Xen Mail CTI Installation
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
Doc. No. 8557 - Release 1.1
June 2004
Table of Contents
Section 1 Overview- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Section 2 Setup Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Section 5 Integration Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Section 9 Signing In and Signing Out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Section 7 Changing the remote access default logon name and
password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Section 8 Transferring files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
Section 10 Using Dial Back. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Section 11 Using keyboard chat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Section 2 Installing the BRFT Remote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Section 7 Transferring backup files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Section 8 Restoring system files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Section 4 Adding feature packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Section 9 TCP/IP for Windows 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Section 10 Testing the TCP/IP setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Section 1 Changing network protocols- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
Table of Contents
Chapter 1– Introduction
Chapter 1
About this guide
The Installation Guide contains instructions for setting up the voice
the set up process.
This guide uses the following conventions:
User input
Information that the user types appears in a unique font. For example, type
Key names
Names of keys on the keyboard appear in capital letters. For example,
A Note contains information that supplements the main text but is not essential
to the understanding of the text. A Note may supply information that applies
only in special cases.
A See also provides references to other topics related to the current topic.
CAUTION: A Caution advises users that failure to avoid or to take a specific
action may lead to unwanted results.
WARNING! A Warning advises users that failure to avoid or to take a specific
action will result in physical harm to the user, damage to the hard-
ware, or destruction of data.
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Chapter 1 - 1
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
The XenMail CTI system includes a battery list below. When disposing of
these batteries, you must comply with applicable Federal and State
regulations regarding proper disposal procedures.
The incineration. landfilling or mixing of nickel-cadmium or sealed lead
batteries with the municipal solid waste stream is PROHIBITED BY LAW in
most areas. Contact your local solid waste management officials for other
information regarding the environmentally sound collection, recycling and
disposal of the battery.
Nickel-Cadmium (or sealed lead) batteries must be returned to a Federal or
State approved nickel-cadmium (or sealed lead) battery recycler. This may
be where the batteries were originally sold or a local seller of automotive
batteries. Contact your local waste management officials for other
information regarding the environmentally sound collection, recycling and
disposal of the battery contained in this product.
Table 1-1: Battery Types and Quantities for KSUs and ETUs
Unit Name
Type of Battery
XenMail CTI
Danger of explosion if batteries are incorrectly installed. Replace only with
the same or equivalant type of battery as indicated throughout this manual.
2 - Chapter 1
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Related documentation
The product disc contains this guide, the System Management Guide, the
System Conversation Guide, and the User Guide in the PDF format. If you need
Acrobat Reader to access a PDF file, you can install it from the voice
messaging system’s disc.
The following books and online resources can help you learn more about
working with your voice messaging system:
System Management Guide: Contains instructions for setting up, maintaining,
and customising the voice messaging system. This guide includes a compre-
hensive troubleshooting chapter.
System Conversation Guide (available as a PDF file only): Contains tables of
the system conversation’s prompts and phrases.
User Guide: Contains instructions for subscribers about accessing their
accounts and checking and sending messages.
Field Help: Press F1 to see field-specific help for entering data or codes in a
field on the voice messaging system screen.
Third party documentation: You can find compliance information for third-party
electronic devices in the manufacturer’s documentation included in the
XenMail CTI package. Do not use a third-party manufacturer’s documentation
to set up, upgrade, or manage XenMail CTI. Refer only to XenMail CTI docu-
mentation to set up, upgrade, and manage XenMail CTI.
Chapter 1 - 3
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
4 - Chapter 1
Chapter 2 – Setting Up the System
Setting Up the System
Chapter 2
After reviewing the information in the table below, proceed to the “Setup
Setting up the XenMail CTI
Previous setup procedure New setup procedure
Installing the voice
messaging system
Everything you need to run the XenMail CTI is
preinstalled. To begin using the system, install the
software, OS/2 software, voice messaging system board into a slot in the phone
and other system
Accessing the voice
messaging system
application screens
With XenMail CTI package, the voice messaging
system application is stored on a hard drive located on
the voice messaging system board. You can plug a
monitor, keyboard, and mouse directly into the voice
messaging system board or use remote access
software installed on a support computer to access
voice messaging system screens and files.
Backing up and restoring Tape backups are not available with the
voice messaging system XenMail CTI. You can schedule backups of voice
messaging system files using the fields on a new
system screen. To transfer files to a local or network
drive and later restore them to the voice messaging
system, you can use the new Backup/ Restore/ File
Transfer (BRFT) utility.
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Chapter 2 - 5
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
The XenMail CTI is a fully tested and assembled voice messaging system.
The voice messaging system software, a modem and custom OS/2 Warp
4.0 operating system software are preinstalled on a board that you place in
the phone system.
The following steps offer guidelines for setting up a new XenMail CTI
package. You can also use these steps if you are “upgrading” to XenMail
CTI package from a different product. (Back up the existing voice
messaging system database first. Once you complete the steps below,
restore it as described in “Restoring system files” on page 47. Fax
messages cannot be restored.)
If you are upgrading an existing, see "Upgrading the Voice
Setup steps
1 Insert the voice messaging system board into the phone system.
2 Connect communication devices to voice messaging system board.
3 Set up the phone system integration.
4 If you plan to use a remote access connection to access the voice messaging
system screens, set up a support computer to do so.
5 Configure the voice messaging system software for network backups,
feature packages, and system languages.
6 Customise the integration, as necessary.
7 Sign in to the system screens.
8 If your system includes TeLANophy, set it up.
See “TeLANophy overview” on page 32.
9 Set up the voice messaging system ports, transaction boxes, and
subscribers, and integration options for your site.
See System Management Guide: System overview, Chapter 2.
10 If your system includes FaxMail, set it up.
See System Management Guide: “FaxMail setup, Chapter 9.
11 Back up the voice messaging system.
See “Using the backup and restore utilities on page 32.
6 - Chapter 2
Setting Up the System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
The voice messaging system board provides all voice messaging system
application functions and voice recording storage on their hard disks.
To install the voice messaging system board in the phone system, perform
the following procedure. For an illustration of the main board used for all
systems, see “About the system board.”
To install the voice messaging system board(s)
1 Turn off the phone system.
2 Insert the board halfway into any available slot in the phone system.
3 Do one of the following:
• To access the voice messaging system screens using a monitor, keyboard,
and mouse, plug these devices into the appropriate locations on the voice
messaging system board.
• To access the voice messaging system screens using a remote access con-
nection, set SW3 dip switch #2 Off for a direct connection or On for a modem
4 Confirm the SW3 dip switch #1 and #2 are set Off and switch #3 and #4
are set On.
5 Insert the board all the way into the slot.
6 Confirm the Shutdown switch is set On.
7 Turn on the phone system. When the software LED lights, the voice
messaging system is running and ready for use. The system may take
5-10 minutes to start.
Setting Up the System
Chapter 2 - 7
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
Perform the procedure below in the following scenarios:
If you want to access the voice messaging system’s hard drive using a monitor,
keyboard, and mouse plugged directly into the voice messaging system board.
(When you are on-site and the system is accessible.)
If you want to utilise a LAN connection for TeLANophy and to perform network
If you want to utilise a modem for remote access connections.
Refer to “About the system board” for an illustration of the voice messaging
system board.
To connect communication devices to the voice messaging system
1 If you did not plug in a monitor, keyboard, and mouse when you installed
the voice messaging system board and you want to use these devices,
do the following:
• Set the Shutdown switch Off to shut down the voice messaging system.
• After voicemail has shut down, turn off the KSU.
• Pull the board half-way out of the phone system.
• Plug in a monitor, keyboard, and mouse into the voice messaging system
• Push the board into the phone system. Be sure that the board are firmly
seated in the slot.
• Set the Shutdown switch On and turn KSU on.
2 To utilise a LAN connection, plug the network cable connector into the
Ethernet jack on the voice messaging system board.
3 To utilise a modem connection, plug the modem’s analogue phone line
into the phone jack on the voice messaging system board.
8 - Chapter 2
Setting Up the System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
The basic integration between the phone system and the voice messaging
system is set up using procedures found in this section and in your phone
system manufacturer’s documentation.
In this section, you specify how the phone system will work with the voice
messaging system integration by assigning extension numbers and setting
up hunt groups, trunk routing, and call overflow. See “Programming the
Additional voice messaging system features, such as live record, easy
message access, identified subscriber messaging, and trunk mapping for
transaction boxes, are set up on the voice messaging system’s Switch
Setup. screens. Refer to related topics in the System Management Guide
for details.
Setting Up the System
Chapter 2 - 9
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
To set up the phone system to support digital voice messaging, complete
the procedures in this section.
The following table describes the key functions on individual stations.
Return to preceding page
Advance to next page
Go to next selection
Enter pause, hyphen, *, or #
Exit programming mode
Go back one level
Save settings
Clear settings
Move left
Move right
To enter programming mode
1 From port 01 or 02, press the FEATURE key.
2 Press the HOLD key.
3 Dial #0*.
To assign interface slot number
Memory block 7-1 assigns the slot number on the phone system that
contains the voice messaging system board.
1 Press the LK7 key.
2 Press the LK1 key.
3 Enter the cabinet number and press # .
4 Enter the slot number for the voice messaging system board.
5 Press the RECALL key twice to advance to page 3.
6 Press the LK4 key.
7 Press the TRANSFER key to save the slot assignment and advance to
the next slot.
8 Press the ANSWER key twice to exit slot assignment.
10 - Chapter 2
Setting Up the System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
To assign phone type
Memory block 7-2 assigns port numbers and specifies the ports as Digital
Voicemail (DVM) ports.
1 Press the LK7 key.
2 Press the LK2 key.
3 Enter the port number of the first voice messaging system port.
NOTE: Ports 01 and 02 cannot be assigned as voicemail.
4 Press the LK7 key to assign the port as DVM.
5 Press the TRANSFER key to save the port assignment and advance to
the next port.
7 Press the ANSWER key twice to exit port assignment.
CAUTION: If you make a mistake while performing the above procedure, start
To assign station numbers
Memory block 4-10 assigns the extension numbers that the phone system
will use to access voice messaging system ports.
1 Press the LK4 key.
2 Dial 10.
3 Press * four times, then enter the port number of the first voice
messaging extension.
4 Enter the extension number to be assigned to this port.
5 Press the TRANSFER key to save the extension number assignment.
6 Dial 10.
7 Press the CONF key to advance to the next voice messaging system
9 Press the ANSWER key to exit extension assignment.
Setting Up the System
Chapter 2 - 11
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
To set up a hunt group
Memory block 4-14 assigns the first extension as the pilot hunt number.
Memory block 4-15 assigns extensions to the hunt group.
1 Press the LK4 key.
2 Dial 14.
3 Press * twice, then enter the port number of the first voice messaging
4 Press the LK2 key to assign the port as a master in the hunt group.
5 Press the TRANSFER key to save the pilot hunt number assignment
and advance to memory block 4-15.
6 Press * twice and dial 14.
7 Press the CONF key to advance to the next port.
8 Press the LK2 key to assign the port as a master in the hunt group.
9 Press the TRANSFER key to save the pilot hunt number assignment.
masters in the hunt group.
11 Enter the port number for the first voice messaging extension.
12 Press the TRANSFER key.
13 Press * twice.
14 Dial 5.
15 Press the CONF key to advance to the next port.
16 Enter the extension number of the next port.
17 Press the TRANSFER key to save the hunt group extension
NOTE: To set up call overflow, program the phone system to handle calls
when all voice messaging ports are busy. For a circular hunt group, set
the last voice messaging system port to forward to the first port. With
this setup, forwarded callers hear a ringback tone and callers who dial
the system directly hear a busy tone. Or, you can forward overflow
calls to an operator by setting the last voice messaging system port to
forward to the operator.
19 Press the ANSWER key to exit hunt group extension assignment.
12 - Chapter 2
Setting Up the System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
To set up trunk routing
Memory block 3-42 assigns direct inward termination (DIT) of central office
(CO) lines during day mode for the system. Memory block 3-43 directs CO
lines during night mode. Perform this procedure if you are planning to use
the voice messaging system’s automated attendant.
1 Press the LK3 key.
2 Press the TRANSFER key.
3 Dial 42.
4 Press * four times, then enter the number of the first CO line to ring the
voice messaging system.
5 Enter the extension of a voice messaging system hunt group master
6 Press the TRANSFER key to save the CO line assignment for day mode
and to advance to the next memory block.
7 Enter the extension of a voice messaging system hunt group master
8 Press the TRANSFER key again to save the CO line assignment for
night mode.
9 Press * .
10 Dial 2.
11 Press the CONF key to advance to the next CO line.
13 Press the ANSWER key to exit the DIT assignment.
To make the forward all calls setting available by class of service
Memory block 1-8-08 enables the selected class of service to forward all
1 Press the LK1 key.
2 Press the LK8 key.
3 Dial 08.
4 Enter the class of service number.
5 The LK1 key is lit when the forward all calls setting is available to the
selected class of service. Press the LK1 key if it is not already lit.
6 Press the TRANSFER key to save the selection and advance to the next
class of service.
forward-all-calls setting.
8 Press the ANSWER key twice to exit the forward-all-calls selection.
Setting Up the System
Chapter 2 - 13
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
To make the call forwarding on busy/no answer setting available by class
of service
Memory block 1-8-08 enables the selected class of service to forward calls
on busy/no answer.
1 Press the LK1 key.
2 Press the LK8 key.
3 Dial 08.
4 Enter the class of service number.
5 Press the RECALL key.
6 The LK5 key is lit when the forwarding on busy/no answer setting is
available to the selected class of service. Press the LK5 key if it is not
already lit.
7 Press the TRANSFER key to save the selection and advance to the next
class of service.
forwarding busy/no answer.
9 Press the ANSWER key twice to exit the station class of service
To enable live record by trunk
Memory block 3-45 selects the live record feature for each CO line.
1 Press the LK3 key.
2 Press the TRANSFER key.
3 Dial 45.
4 Press * twice, then enter the CO line number.
5 Press the LK2 key to enable live record on this CO line.
6 Press the TRANSFER key to save the live record setting.
7 Press * twice.
8 Dial 45.
9 Press the CONF key to advance to the next CO line.
11 Press the ANSWER key to exit live record trunk selection.
14 - Chapter 2
Setting Up the System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
To make the live record setting available by class of service
Memory block 1-8-08 enables the selected class of service to use the live
record feature from the phone.
1 Press the LK1 key.
2 Press the LK8 key.
3 Dial 08.
4 Enter the class of service number.
5 Press the RECALL key to advance to page 4.
6 Press the LK5 key to make the live record setting available to the
selected class of service.
7 Press the TRANSFER key to save the selection and advance to the next
class of service.
9 Press the ANSWER key twice to exit the station class of service
To allow the voice messaging system to use a barge-in code for live
1 Press the LK1 key.
2 Press the LK8 key.
3 Dial 08.
4 Enter the class of service number for the voice messaging system ports.
5 The LK4 key is lit when voice messaging system trunk lines are enabled
to receive a barge-in code. Press the LK4 key if it is not already lit.
6 Press the TRANSFER key to save the selection.
7 Press the ANSWER key twice to exit the station class of service
To allow individual stations to receive a barge-in code for live record
1 Press the LK1 key.
2 Press the LK8 key.
3 Dial 08.
4 Enter the class of service number.
5 The LK5 key is lit when the class of service is enabled to receive a
barge-in code. Press the LK5 key if it is not already lit.
6 Press the TRANSFER key to save the selection.
8 Press the ANSWER key twice to exit the selection.
Setting Up the System
Chapter 2 - 15
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
To assign the extension number of the voice messaging system for live
Memory block 1-8-26 identifies the voice messaging ports available for live
1 Press the LK1 key.
2 Press the LK8 key.
3 Dial 26.
4 Enter the extension number of the voice messaging system hunt group
master port.
5 Press the TRANSFER key to save the port settings.
6 Press the ANSWER key twice to exit the port assignment for live record.
To assign feature access keys
Memory block 4-12 assigns line keys as feature access keys. Program each
line key as a feature access key to allow live record on individual
1 Press the LK4 key.
2 Dial 12.
3 Press * four times, followed by the port number of the extension that you
want to program.
4 Enter the first line key number (for example, 09) to be assigned as a
feature access key.
5 Press the LK6 key.
6 Enter the feature access key number (01-10).
7 Press the TRANSFER key to save the key assignment and advance to
the next line key number.
10 Press the SPEAKER key to exit programming mode.
To program individual stations for call forward on all calls
1 Go off hook.
2 Dial 41, then enter the extension number of the first DVM port.
3 Hang up.
16 - Chapter 2
Setting Up the System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
To program individual stations for call forward on busy/no answer
1 Go off hook.
2 Dial 43, then enter the extension number of the first voice messaging
system port.
3 Hang up.
To cancel call forward or call forward on busy/no answer for individual
1 Go off hook.
2 Do one of the following:
• Dial 42 to cancel call forward all calls.
3 Do one of the following:
Dial 42 to cancel call forward all calls.
Dial 44 to cancel call forward on busy/no answer.
4 Hang up.
Setting Up the System
Chapter 2 - 17
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
You must set up the voice messaging system software to:
Perform network backups
Use TeLANophy
Select system languages
Setup option
Action required
T Configure TCP/IP or IPX/SPX protocols
T For TCP/IP, indicate: subnet mask, router, domain, server
Network protocols
name and TCP/IP address of voice messaging system
T For IPX/SPX, indicate: NetWare bindery or directory mode,
preferred server and name context, frame header type
T For NetBIOS over TCP/IP, configure TCP/IP and indicate: NT
domain, NT user ID, and NT password
T Indicate the system language you want to use
To set up the voice messaging system software
1 Ask your network administrator for the information required to set up the
feature packages and network protocols. Refer to the table on page 18
for details.
2 Do one of the following:
• If you are using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse plugged into the voice mes-
saging system board to access the system screens, you should be able to
view the Banner screen.
• If you are using remote access software to access system screens, follow
3 Shut down the voice messaging system application by pressing ESC at
the Banner screen and then following the system prompts.
4 To open an OS/2 command prompt from the voice messaging system
screens, do one of the following:
• If you are using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse plugged into the voice mes-
saging system board to access the voice messaging system screens, go to
the OS/2 desktop and select the OS/2 Window icon.
• If you are using a remote access connection, switch to the OS/2 Host
Process Switcher window. (See "Using the OS/2 host process switcher" on
and press ENTER.
5 At the OS/2 command prompt, type f: and press ENTER.
6 Type cd \ and press ENTER.
7 Type setup and press ENTER.
18 - Chapter 2
Setting Up the System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
8 Type y to proceed with the voice messaging system Setup utility.
9 From the Setup Type menu, type 2 to choose “Configure system” and
press ENTER.
10 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed
on drive E.
11 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed
in the Vmail directory.
12 Review the features and options available with your new system that are
listed on-screen. Press ENTER to continue.
13 From the Update Configuration menu, choose all the configuration
options you want to set up your system:
• To set up TeLANophy, type 1 and press ENTER.
• To enable network backups, type 3 and press ENTER.
• To select the system language, type 4 and press ENTER.
NOTE: Numbers for each menu item may vary.
14 When you have completed your selection(s), press ENTER.
1 From the Select Network Protocols menu, select all that apply:
• To select IPX/SPX, type 1 and press ENTER.
• To select TCP/IP, type 2 and press ENTER.
• To select NetBIOS over TCP/IP, type 3 and press ENTER.
• Either a TCP/IP or IPX/SPX configuration is required for TeLANophy.
• Either an IPX/SPX or a NetBIOS over TCP/IP configuration is required to
perform network backups.
• To set up NetBIOS over TCP/IP, a TCP/IP configuration is also required.
Select option 2 and 3 to set this up.
2 When you have completed your selection(s), press ENTER.
3 If you selected TCP/IP, perform the following actions. Otherwise, go to
• Type 1 and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “TCP/IP Address”
field and press ENTER.
• Type 2 and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “Subnet Mask” field
and press ENTER.
• Type 3 and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “Default Router”
field and press ENTER.
• Type 4 and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “Domain” field and
press ENTER.
• Type 5 and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “Name Server” field
and press ENTER.
4 Confirm your entries are correct. Press ENTER to continue.
Setting Up the System
Chapter 2 - 19
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NEC Business Solutions Ltd
5 If you selected IPX/SPX, perform the appropriate action below.
Otherwise, go to step 5.
• To select “Version 3.x or 4.x bindery mode,” type 1 and press ENTER.
• To select “Version 4.x directory service,” type 2 and press ENTER.
1 If you selected “Version 3.x or 4.x bindery mode,” perform the following
• Type m and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “NetWare name
context” field and press ENTER.
• Confirm your entry is correct. Press ENTER to continue.
2 If you selected “Version 4.x directory service,” perform the following
• Type m and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “NetWare name
context” field and press ENTER.
• Confirm your entry is correct. Press ENTER to continue.
• Type m and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “Preferred NetWare
server name” field and press ENTER.
• Confirm your entry is correct. Press ENTER to continue.
3 From the Ethernet Frame Header menu, perform the appropriate action
• To select “Ethernet 802.2,” type 1 and press ENTER.
• To select “Ethernet 802.3,” type 2 and press ENTER.
• To select “Ethernet Snap,” type 3 and press ENTER.
• To select “Ethernet II,” type 4 and press ENTER.
4 When you have completed your selection, press ENTER to continue.
5 If you selected NetBIOS over TCP/IP, perform the following actions.
Otherwise, go to step 1.
• Type 1 and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “Workstation name”
field and press ENTER.
• Type 2 and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “NT Domain name”
field and press ENTER.
• Type 3 and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “Workstation
description” field and press ENTER.
NOTE: If you have not configured TCP/IP, an error message is displayed. Fol-
low the on-screen instructions to continue.
6 Press ENTER to confirm your entries.
20 - Chapter 2
Setting Up the System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
1 From the TeLANophy Server Name menu, perform one of the following
• To enter a name for the voicemail server, type m and press ENTER. Type the
server name and press ENTER.
• To use the default server name, press ENTER. “Vserver” is the default
server name.
2 Confirm your entry is correct. Press ENTER to continue.
3 Select the network protocols that you want the voicemail server to use to
communicate with the TeLANophy workstations:
• To select “IPX/SPX,” type 1 and press ENTER.
• To select “TCP/IP,” type 2 and press ENTER.
NOTE: If you have not configured either of these protocols, an error message
is displayed. Follow the on-screen instructions to continue.
4 When you have completed your selection(s), press ENTER.
instructions to configure the system for these features.
6 From the Setup Complete menu, type y and press ENTER to exit the
Setup utility.
7 Shut down and restart the voice messaging system by setting the
board’s Shutdown switch Off. After the system has shut down, set the
switch On and then press the Power button to restart.
NOTE: A system with incorrect protocol information cannot connect to the
LAN. To reenter the correct values, perform the procedure, “To change
an existing network protocol configuration.”
Setting Up the System
Chapter 2 - 21
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NEC Business Solutions Ltd
Callers interact with the voice messaging system by using the keypads on
their touch-tone phones. The keypad map determines how digits are
mapped to letters.
Each digit on a caller’s phone is mapped to two or three letters in the voice
messaging system. Callers can enter a wildcard digit in place of any letter
when they are not sure of the letter. For example, a system using the Q=7,
Z=9 keypad map, the digits 7-1-1 represent P, Q, R, or S followed by any
two letters.
The voice messaging system supports five keypad maps:
Keypad map name
Q, Z on the zero digit
Q, Z on the 1 digit
Q=7, Z=9
numbers only
1 (groups only)
Cosmos (Sweden)
The mapping of digits to letters should match the phone system and the
phones of the outside callers. The system uses the Q=7, Z=9 keypad map
by default. If your system requires a different keypad map, use the following
procedure to change it.
22 - Chapter 2
Setting Up the System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
To change the keypad map
1 Shut down the voice messaging system by pressing ESC at the Banner
screen and then follow the system prompts.
2 To open an OS/2 command prompt from the voice messaging system,
do one of the following:
• If you are using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse plugged into the voice mes-
saging system board to access the voice messaging screens, go to the OS/
2 desktop and select the OS/2 Window icon.
• If you are using a remote access connection to access the voice messaging
“Start a new 0S/2 text session” and press ENTER.
3 Type e: and press ENTER.
4 Type cd \vmail and press ENTER.
5 Type remap and press ENTER.
6 Type the number for the keypad map that you want to use, and press
ENTER. If an ID conflict error is displayed, follow the on-screen
instructions. A conflict is caused when there are two IDs that are made
up of letters or numbers that map to the same digits. Callers would enter
the same digits to enter both IDs.
7 At the OS/2 command prompt, type vm and press ENTER to restart the
voice messaging system application.
Setting Up the System
Chapter 2 - 23
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Some of the procedures in this guide require that you sign in to the system
before you can change any system settings. Use the following procedures
to sign in and out of the system.
For security reasons, it is a good idea to change the sign-in ID which is the
personal ID for the system’s default system manager. After you change it,
make sure to tell the system manager what to enter for the system sign-in ID
when signing in to the system.
To sign in to the system
1 At the Banner screen, press F2.
2 Type nec and press ENTER.
3 If prompted, type your security code and press ENTER. (You can set a
security code by changing the Personal Options for the system manager
through the system conversation.)
To sign out of the system
1 Press ESC until you see the message “Are you sure you want to sign out
to the Banner screen?”
Type y to confirm that you want to sign out and return to the Banner screen.
To change the default sign-in ID
1 Go to the Personal Directory page for the system manager.
2 In the “Personal ID” field, type a new ID.
24 - Chapter 2
Setting Up the System
Chapter 3 – Remote Access
Remote Access
Chapter 3
Using remote access software, you can establish a direct or modem
connection with the voice messaging system to perform setup,
maintenance, and troubleshooting tasks.
Remote access software is preinstalled on the voice messaging system, but
you need to install it on the support computer. To do so, see "Setting up the
support computer" on page 8.
Remote access software functions
Using remote access software installed on a support computer, you can:
Access the voice messaging system screens and files. See "Starting and End-
ing a Remote Access Connection" on page 13.
Open an OS/2 command prompt. See "Using the OS/2 host process switcher"
on page 15.
Perform file management tasks on the voice messaging system. See "Transfer-
ring files" on page 17.
Generate reports on remote access connections. See "Tracking remote access
connections" on page 18.
Communicate with someone on-site when you are off-site using keyboards
connected to the voice messaging system and the support computer. See
"Using keyboard chat" on page 20.
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Chapter 3 - 25
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NEC Business Solutions Ltd
Before you can establish a remote access connection with the voice
messaging system, you need to install CoSession Windows remote
software version 7.0 on the support computer. Remote access software is
preinstalled in the C:\Cs2 directory on the voice messaging system.
When you install the software, the remote software setup program will
automatically detect the support computer’s modem settings. However,
some communications software may conflict with the setup. You may need
to edit the System.ini file to resolve these conflicts. If a message appears
during installation, write down the message so you can complete the
requested changes after setup is complete. For more details, see the
Readme file on the voice messaging system’s disc.
To install remote access software
1 Do one of the following:
• If you are installing remote software on a support computer that does not use
MS-DOS remote access software, go to step 2.
• If you are installing the remote software on a support computer that uses
MS-DOS remote access software to support other voice messaging sys-
tems, then follow the instructions in "Preparing an existing support computer"
on page 10 before continuing with this procedure.
2 If the support computer uses an external modem, confirm that it is turned
3 Insert the voice messaging disc in the support computer’s CD-ROM
4 From the Start menu, choose “Run.”
5 Type <disc drive>:\Cosession\setup and choose “OK.”
6 Follow the on-screen instructions until you reach the Install Options
dialogue box.
7 Select “Custom Install” and click “OK.”
8 Clear the “Cosession for Windows Host” selection.
9 Select “CoSession for Windows Remote” and click “Install.”
26 - Chapter 3
Remote Access
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
To install remote access software, continued
1 Clear the “NetWare SPK,” “NetBIOS,” and “WinSock” selections.
2 Select “Modem/Serial” and click “OK.”
3 Follow the on-screen instructions until you reach the Viewer Default
Modem Settings window.
4 When prompted, use one of the following field value sets for setting up
the connection.
Direct connection
• Modem Name: Direct-Connect
• For Q revision Q931 or higher, the direct connect Baud rate is 57,600. For
Q930 or lower, the direct connect Baud rate is 19,200
• ComPort: set the support computer’s serial port that the null-modem cable
Modem connection
• Modem Name: select the applicable modem; if the modem is not listed,
select “Generic High Speed”
• Baud rate: 19200
• ComPort: set the support computer’s serial port that the modem uses
5 If setting up a modem connection, type the phone number used to dial
the host.
6 Complete the on-screen registration information and click “Continue” to
complete the installation.
Remote Access
Chapter 3 - 27
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If your support computer uses MS-DOS remote software to support other
voice messaging systems, perform the following procedure before installing
the CoSession Windows remote software.
This procedure is necessary to prevent the CoSession Windows remote
software installation from overriding the MS-DOS remote software settings.
To save the support computer’s MS-DOS remote access software
1 Before updating the software, record the following information:
• The COM port for the modem.
• The type of modem installed.
• The logon name, password, and phone number for each phone book entry
set up.
2 Using a text editor, open the computer’s Autoexec.bat file.
3 If the Rr.bat file is being launched, type rem at the beginning of the line
that starts the Rr.bat file.
If the Rr.bat file is not listed, continue with step 4.
4 Save and close the file.
5 Shut down and restart the support computer.
6 Install the CoSession Windows remote software as described in "To
install remote access software" on page 8.
28 - Chapter 3
Remote Access
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
The support computer’s phone book stores basic connection information,
such as modem type, COM port, and baud rate settings. This information is
used to communicate with the voice messaging system.
The connection settings used by the voice messaging system are already
set up by default and are listed below:
COM port
COM 1 is designated for direct connections and COM 2 is assigned to the voice messag-
ing system’s modem.
For Q revision Q931 or higher, the direct connect Baud rate is 57,600. For Q930 or
lower, the direct connect Baud rate is 19,200.
The voice messaging system’s modem type is “Generic High Speed.”
Answer/Originate call
This setting lets the voice messaging system answer calls from the support computer.
To set up the phone book, first customise the Default phone book entry to fit
your needs. Then, create a phone book entry specifically for each site that
you will access using a remote access connection. If you plan to use more
than one method to connect to the same voice messaging system, create a
phone book entry for each connection type (modem and direct).
To do so, complete the procedures, "To set up the Default phone book
entry" on page 12 and "To add a phone book entry" on page 12.
Remote Access
Chapter 3 - 29
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To set up the Default phone book entry
1 Start the remote software on the support computer.
2 From the CoSession Remote Viewer Control Center window, click
“Phone book.”
3 In the Phone Book window, confirm that the “Name” field contains
4 For modem connections, in the “Phone ID” field, enter digits routinely
used for making calls, such as 0.
In the Communications type box, click “Setup.”
6 In the “COM Port” field, select the COM port for either the null modem
serial cable or the modem on the support computer.
7 For Q revision Q931 or higher, the direct connect Baud rate is 57,600.
For Q930 or lower, the direct connect Baud rate is 19,200.
8 In the “Modem Name” field, do one of the following:
• For direct connections, select “Direct-Connect.”
• For modem connections, select the support computer’s modem (or select
“Generic High Speed” or “Hayes Extended”).
9 Click “Save” and then click “Close.”
10 In the Terminal type box, click “Setup.”
11 In the CoSession Remote Setup window, type support as the logon
name and voice as the password. The logon name and password are
case sensitive.
12 Click “Save” and then click “Close.”
30 - Chapter 3
Remote Access
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
To add a phone book entry
1 In the Phone Book window, click “New.”
2 In the New phone book entry dialogue box, click “Default” to use the
settings for the Default phone book entry.
3 In the “Name” field, type a name for the voice messaging system, such
as the company name. Each voice messaging system name must be
4 Type a description in the “Description” field, if appropriate.
5 For modem connections, type the voice messaging system modem’s
phone number in the “Phone ID” field. This number is determined when
the technician programs the phone system to integrate the voice
messaging system board.
For long-distance numbers, enter the complete phone number, up to 50 characters.
You can use a comma (,) to insert a two-second delay. For example:
9,12065551234,,,,567 adds an 8- to 10-second delay before dialling extension 567.
6 Type a description in the “Description” field, if appropriate.
7 If you want remote software to dial this phone book entry whenever you
start a remote access connection, select “Quick Connect.”
8 Click “Save” and then click “Close.”
TIP: If you plan to access the same voice messaging system using both modem
and direct connections, set up a phone book entry for each connection
type. Since each phone book entry name must be unique, indicate the con-
nection type for the voice messaging system in the “Name” field for the two
Remote Access
Chapter 3 - 31
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NEC Business Solutions Ltd
Remote access software lets you access the voice messaging system
application from a support computer. To start a remote access connection,
review the connection requirements on this page and then perform the
procedure, "To establish a remote access connection" on page 14. Only one
remote access connection can be maintained at a time.
Once you have established a connection, the Remote Control window
appears. Keystrokes that you enter on the support computer are sent to the
voice messaging system only when this window is active.
To end a remote access connection, perform the procedure, "To end a
connection" on page 14.
If you routinely connect to the voice messaging system through a long-dis-
tance call, you may be able to save money by using Dial Back. See "Using
Dial Back" on page 19 for more information.
Direct connection requirements
One end of a null modem serial cable must be plugged into an available serial
port on the support computer. The other end must be plugged into the serial port
on the voice messaging system board.
Confirm that DIP switch #2 is set for direct connection. If necessary, shut down
the voice messaging system, set it correctly, and then restart the system.
Modem connection requirements
A 100 percent Hayes-compatible modem must be installed on the support com-
puter. The voice messaging system comes with a 56K baud modem installed.
A public phone network (analogue) line must be connected to the support com-
puter’s modem. In addition, the voice messaging system’s modem must be con-
nected to an analogue line.
Confirm that DIP switch #2 is set for modem connection. If necessary, shut
down the voice messaging system, set it correctly, and then restart the system.
See Also:
32 - Chapter 3
Remote Access
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
To establish a remote access connection
1 Make sure the phone book is set up as described in "Setting up a
support computer’s phone book" on page 11.
2 Start the remote software on the support computer.
3 Do one of the following:
• If the voice messaging system you want to call is displayed in the “Name”
field, continue to step 4.
• If not, select a different phone book entry from the “Name” menu.
4 Choose “Call.” You may need to repeat this step more than once before
you can establish a connection.
5 If you are at the OS/2 Host Process Switcher window, type the
appropriate number to select “Voice mail for OS/2” and press ENTER to
view the voice messaging system screens.
To end a connection
1 If the OS/2 Host Process Switcher window is active, choose “Voice mail
OS/2” to switch to the voice messaging system application.
2 Go to the CoSession Remote Viewer Control Center window on the
support computer.
3 Choose “Hang up” to end the connection.
TIP: To improve voice messaging system performance, always make the voice
messaging system the active screen before ending a remote access con-
Remote Access
Chapter 3 - 33
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NEC Business Solutions Ltd
Once you establish a remote access connection with the voice messaging
system, you can use the OS/2 Host Process Switcher to switch between
applications. In addition, you can use the Process Switcher to open an OS/2
command prompt necessary to access files or customise settings on the
voice messaging system.
To use the OS/2 Host Process Switcher
1 Establish a remote access connection.
2 From the CoSession Remote Viewer Control Center window, press ESC
and release. Then quickly press ALT to display the OS/2 Host Process
Switcher window. (You may need to try this a few times.)
3 Perform one of the following actions:
• Type 0 and press ENTER to open an OS/2 command prompt.
• Type the appropriate number to select “Voice mail for OS/2” and press
ENTER to view the voice messaging system screens.
CAUTION: Avoid typing exit in an OS/2 window. This may cause the system to
behave erratically and you may lose your ability to access the voice
messaging system application. For the same reason, avoid opening a
DOS window.
34 - Chapter 3
Remote Access
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Each phone book entry you create uses a logon name and password to
access the voice messaging system. The default logon name is “support,”
and the default password is “voice.” For improved security, you may want to
change these settings.
The logon name and password are case-sensitive and must be set the
same on both the voice messaging system and the support computer’s
phone book entries. On the voice messaging system, there is a separate file
for direct and modem connection settings. To change these settings,
perform the following procedure.
To change the remote access default logon name and password
1 Establish a remote access connection with the voice messaging system.
2 Use the OS/2 Process Switcher window to open an OS/2 command
prompt as described in "Using the OS/2 host process switcher" on page
3 At an OS/2 command prompt, type c: and press ENTER.
4 Type cd \cs2 and press ENTER.
5 Type cs2gen and press ENTER.
6 From the OS/2 Script File Generator menu, press F1 to load the script
7 Type the number corresponding to the script file you want to load:
• If you are using a direct connection, select Direct.cs2 and press ENTER.
• If you are using a modem connection, select Modem.cs2 and press ENTER.
8 Press F7 and follow the on-screen instructions to change the logon
name on the voice messaging system.
The current settings are shown at the bottom of the screen.
Remote Access
Chapter 3 - 35
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To change the remote access default logon name and password,
1 Press F8 and follow the on-screen instructions to change the password.
2 Press F10 and type y to save your changes.
3 Press F11 to exit the Script File Generator utility.
4 End the remote access connection.
5 From the CoSession Remote Viewer Control Center window on the
support computer, confirm that the same phone book entry used to
connect to the voice messaging system in step 1 is displayed in the
“Name” field.
6 Choose “Setup” next to “Terminal type.”
7 In the CoSession Remote Viewer Setup window, type the new logon
name and password.
8 Choose “Save,” then choose “Close.”
9 To change security settings on the remaining direct.cs2 or modem.cs2
script file on the voice messaging system and the support computer,
repeat steps 1 through 16 using the phone book entry for the alternative
connection type.
If you do not already have a phone book entry set up to access the same
voice messaging system using an alternative connection type, see the
procedure, "To add a phone book entry" on page 12 to do so.
CAUTION: Avoid changing the Direct.cs2 and the Modem.cs2 script files during
the same remote access session because you may lose the ability to
access the voice messaging system application using remote access
36 - Chapter 3
Remote Access
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
You can use a remote access connection to transfer a file or group of files
between the support computer and voice messaging system. Files
transferred between the support computer and the voice messaging system
are copied (not moved).
To transfer files, perform the procedure, “To transfer files between the voice
messaging system and support computer.”
To customise the remote access file transfer settings, perform the
procedure, “To change file transfer option settings.” You can change the
following default file transfer settings on the support computer:
“Compression,” which is set to “On” by default to automatically compress files
for transfer.
“Overwrite,” which is set to “Verify” and “Always” by default to confirm the trans-
fer in the event that the file transfer would replace an existing file.
“Full view,” which is set to “Off” by default to display complete file information on
both directory panels. When the option is set to “Off,” only the file name and size
are displayed.
To transfer files between the voice messaging system and support
1 Establish a remote access connection with the voice messaging system.
2 From the CoSession Remote Viewer Control Center window, select “File
3 From the File Transfer window, select the drive and directory in the
source directory which contains the file(s) that you want to transfer. This
is in either the local directory (support computer) or the host directory
(voice messaging system).
4 From the source directory, select the file(s) that you want to transfer.
5 Confirm your selection and choose “Transfer.” If a message is displayed
indicating that you have “Too many bytes selected to transfer,” ignore it
by choosing “OK.”
6 When the transfer is complete, choose “Close.”
To change file transfer option settings
1 On the support computer, from the CoSession Remote Viewer Control
Center window, choose “File transfer.”
2 From the Options menu, change the desired settings.
Remote Access
Chapter 3 - 37
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The remote software’s billing log stores the following information about each
remote access connection:
The date the call occurred.
The starting and ending times of the connection.
The name and phone number of the voice messaging system.
The billing log is a fixed-length record text file that you can format, print, or
import into a database, spreadsheet, or word processing application.
To turn the billing log on or off
1 On the support computer, go to the CoSession Remote Viewer Control
Center window.
2 Choose “Setup,” and then choose “Billing log” from the menu.
A check mark is displayed when this option is turned on. Select “Billing
log” again to turn off the billing log.
To view the billing log
1 Go to the C:\Insync\Csw directory on the support computer.
2 Open the Csw.bil file.
Each record in the billing log is separated by a carriage return. This file
exists only after you have established a remote access connection with
the billing log turned on.
38 - Chapter 3
Remote Access
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
The voice messaging system can receive a call, disconnect, and call back
the support computer using Dial Back. If you routinely connect to a voice
messaging system through a long-distance call, Dial Back may reduce long-
distance phone charges.
Perform the following procedure to set up Dial Back. Once you have set it
up, start a remote access connection, as described in "To establish a
remote access connection" on page 14. You will need to wait a couple of
minutes for the call back and a connection.
To set up the voice messaging system to use Dial Back
1 Establish a remote access connection with the voice messaging system.
2 Use the OS/2 Process Switcher window to open an OS/2 command
prompt as described in "Using the OS/2 host process switcher" on page
3 At an OS/2 command prompt, type c: and press ENTER.
4 Type cd \cs2 and press ENTER.
5 Type cs2gen and press ENTER.
6 From the OS/2 Script File Generator menu, press F1 to load the script
7 Type the number corresponding to the modem.cs2 script file.
8 Press F6 until “Dial Back & Password” appears in the “Security” field at
the bottom of the screen.
9 Press F10, and then type y to save.
10 Press F1 to load the script files.
11 Type the number for the [your login name].cs2 file. If you haven’t
changed the default logon name, the file is Support.cs2.
12 Press F5 to specify the support computer’s phone number.
13 Press F10, and then type y to save.
14 Press F11 to exit the Script File Generator utility.
15 At an OS/2 command prompt, type
cs2host @modem.cs2 and press ENTER.
When the OS/2 Host starts, the voice messaging system is set up to use Dial Back.
16 To return to the voice messaging system screens, select “Voice mail for
OS/2” from the OS/2 Process Switcher window and press ENTER.
Remote Access
Chapter 3 - 39
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NEC Business Solutions Ltd
With keyboard chat, you can use the support computer to exchange
messages with an on-site system manager. This individual can access the
voice messaging system using a keyboard and monitor plugged into the
system. Communicating using keyboard chat may prevent the need for an
additional long-distance phone call.
When you use keyboard chat, a chat window appears on each monitor, that
lets you and the person at the voice messaging system exchange
messages. Perform the following procedure to use keyboard chat.
To use keyboard chat
1 Establish a remote access connection.
2 Switch to the CoSession Remote Viewer Control Center window.
3 Choose “Keyboard chat.”
4 From the CoSession Remote Chat window, type the message you want
displayed in the “Your text” section. The message window will appear on
the voice messaging system’s monitor.
5 If appropriate, choose “Attention,” which beeps the voice messaging
system to get the other person’s attention.
6 When the person at the voice messaging system types text, it will
appear in the “Host text” section of the support computer’s monitor.
7 To end the keyboard chat session, close the CoSession Remote Chat
40 - Chapter 3
Remote Access
Chapter 4 – Backing Up & Restoring the System
Backing Up & Restoring
the System
Chapter 4
The backup and restore utilities let you:
Back up files after installation or before a major software upgrade from the voice
messaging system screen.
Transfer backup files to your support computer.
Restore backup files if your system crashes or equipment fails.
The BRFT (backup and restore file transfer) utility consists of two software
programs, the BRFT Host, and the BRFT Remote. The BRFT Host is
included on the voice messaging system hard disk. The BRFT Remote
must be installed on the same support computer that you use to establish
remote access connections.
Setup steps for LAN backups and restores
1 Setup network protocols.
2 Log on to a network.
To log on to a Microsoft Windows NT with NetBIOS over TCP/IP or a Nov-
ell NetWare network, see “Setting the voice messaging system to log on
To set up a remote Windows computer without a Windows network
domain for backups, see “Setting up a remote Windows computer for
3 Schedule backups.
4 Restore system files.
Setup steps for backups and restores with no LAN connection
1 Setup the support computer.
2 Schedule backups.
3 Transfer backup files to a support computer.
4 Restore system files.
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Chapter 4 - 41
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NEC Business Solutions Ltd
If the voice messaging system is not connected to a LAN, the support
computer can be used for backups.
To enable the BRFT utility, install the BRFT Remote on the support
computer that you use to establish remote access connections.
For Windows 95 computers, perform the procedure to the right.
Otherwise use the procedure below.
To install BRFT Remote
1 Insert the voice messaging system’s disc in the support computer's CD-
ROM drive.
2 If the support computer is running Windows, open a DOS window.
3 At the DOS command prompt, change to the computer’s CD-ROM drive.
4 Type cd \packages\brftrmt to change to the BRFT subdirectory.
5 Type install and press ENTER.
6 Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
NOTE: If you get an “Incorrect DOS” error message and the utility exits,
you are probably installing on a Windows 95 computer. Perform
the next procedure.
To install BRFT Remote for Windows 95
1 Insert the voice messaging system’s disc in the support computer's CD-
ROM drive.
2 If the support computer is running Windows, open a DOS window.
3 At the DOS command prompt, change to the computer’s CD-ROM drive.
4 Type cd \packages\brftrmt to change to the BRFT subdirectory.
5 Type set comspec=c:\windows\command.com and press ENTER.
6 Type install and press ENTER.
7 Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
42 - Chapter 4
Backing Up & Restoring the System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Either an IPX/SPX or a NetBIOS over
TCP/IP configuration is required for network backups. You do not need an
activation or an upgrade code to enable network backups.
Perform the following procedure to enable network backups on your
system. Before you begin, ask your network administrator for the following
installation information:
T For IPX/SPX, indicate: NetWare bindery or directory, preferred server, name context,
and frame header type.
T For NetBIOS over TCP/IP, configure TCP/IP and indicate a Windows network domain
Or if no domain, perform the procedures in “Setting up a remote Win-
dows computer for backups” on page 50 and indicate a Windows Work-
group name.
T For TCP/IP, indicate: subnet mask, router, domain, server name, and
TCP/IP address of voice messaging system.
For network backups using a Windows NT network with NetBIOS over TCP/
IP or a Novell NetWare network, you must also set up the system to log on
to the network. After performing the following procedure, refer to “Setting
To install network protocols for backups
1 Do one of the following:
• If you are using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse plugged into the voice mes-
saging system board to access the system screens, you should be able to
view the Banner screen.
• If you are using remote access software to access system screens, establish
a remote access connection. For instructions, see “Remote Access” on
2 Shut down the voice messaging system application by pressing ESC at
the Banner screen and then following the system prompts.
3 To open an OS/2 command prompt from the voice messaging system
screens, do one of the following:
• If you are using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse plugged into the voice mes-
saging system board to access the voice messaging system screens, go to
the OS/2 desktop and select the OS/2 Window icon.
• If you are using a remote access connection to access the voice messaging
system screens, from the
OS/2 Host Process Switcher window, type 0 (zero) to choose “Start a new
OS/2 text session” and press ENTER.
Backing Up & Restoring the System
Chapter 4 - 43
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NEC Business Solutions Ltd
1 At the OS/2 command prompt, type f: and press ENTER.
2 Type cd \ and press ENTER.
3 Type setup and press ENTER.
4 Type y to proceed with the voice messaging system Setup utility.
5 From the Setup Type menu, type 2 to choose “Configure System” and
press ENTER.
6 Follow the on-screen instructions until you reach the Update
Configuration menu.
7 Choose “Configure Network Protocols (for Network Backup/Restore)” by
typing the corresponding menu number and pressing ENTER.
8 When you have completed your selection, press ENTER to continue.
9 From the Select Network Protocols menu, select all that apply:
• To select IPX/SPX, type 1 and press ENTER.
• To select TCP/IP, type 2 and press ENTER.
• To select NetBIOS over TCP/IP, type 3 and press ENTER.
NOTE: To set up NetBIOS over TCP/IP, a TCP/IP configuration is also
required. Select option 2 and 3 to set this up.
10 When you have completed your selection(s), press ENTER.
11 If you selected TCP/IP, perform the following actions. Otherwise, go to
• Type 1 and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “TCP/IP Address”
field and press ENTER.
• Type 2 and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “Subnet Mask”
field and press ENTER.
• Type 3 and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “Default Router”
field and press ENTER.
• Type 4 and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “Domain” field and
press ENTER.
• Type 5 and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “Name Server”
field and press ENTER.
12 Confirm your entries are correct. Press ENTER to continue.
13 If you selected IPX/SPX, perform the appropriate action below.
Otherwise, go to step 2.
• To select “Version 3.x or 4.x bindery mode,” type 1 and press ENTER.
• To select “Version 4.x directory service,” type 2 and press ENTER.
14 If you selected “Version 3.x or 4.x bindery mode,” perform the following
• Type m and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “NetWare name
context” field and press ENTER.
• Confirm your entry is correct. Press ENTER to continue.
44 - Chapter 4
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15 If you selected “Version 4.x directory service,” perform the following
• Type m and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “NetWare name
context” field and press ENTER.
• Confirm your entry is correct. Press ENTER to continue.
• Type m and press ENTER. Type the correct value for the “Preferred Net-
Ware server name” field and press ENTER.
• Confirm your entry is correct. Press ENTER to continue.
16 From the Ethernet Frame Header menu, perform the appropriate action
• To select “Ethernet 802.2,” type 1 and press ENTER.
• To select “Ethernet 802.3,” type 2 and press ENTER.
• To select “Ethernet Snap,” type 3 and press ENTER.
• To select “Ethernet II,” type 4 and press ENTER.
1 When you have completed your selection, press ENTER to continue.
2 If you selected NetBIOS over TCP/IP, perform the following actions.
• Type 1 and press ENTER. In the “Workstation name” field, type the NT log
on name of the voice messaging system and press ENTER.
• Type 2 and press ENTER. In the “NT Domain name” field, type the voice
messaging system’s NT domain name and press ENTER.
If no domain, type the Windows workgroup name in this field.
• Type 3 and press ENTER. In the “Workstation description” field, type a
description of the voice messaging system and press ENTER.
• Leave the “User” and “Password” fields blank.
3 Press ENTER to confirm your entries.
NOTE: If you have not configured TCP/IP, an error message is dis-
played. Follow the on-screen instructions to continue.
4 Follow the on-screen instructions to continue.
5 When you reach the Setup Complete menu, press ENTER to exit the
Setup utility.
6 Shut down and restart the voice messaging system by setting the
board’s Shutdown switch Off. After the system has shut down, set the
switch On and then press the Power button to restart.
NOTE: A system with incorrect protocol information cannot connect to
the LAN. To reenter the correct values, perform the procedure,
”To change an existing network protocol configuration.”
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Windows connection with NetBIOS
To set the voice messaging system to log on to a Windows ME, 98, NT or
2000 network with NetBIOS over TCP/IP, you need to:
Add the Windows user ID and password with network access rights.
Log on to the NT domain or Workgroup from the voice messaging system.
Map a network drive on the computer.
To add the user with network access rights to the voice messaging
1 On the voice messaging system, go to an OS/2 command prompt.
2 Log on as an administrator and type
logon admin /p:admin
and press ENTER.
3 Add a user with network access rights by using specific words in place of
“userid” and “password” and typing
net user userid password /add
and pressing ENTER.
NOTE: The userid and password must match the settings for the Win-
dows computer. See "Setting up a remote Windows computer
for backups," on page 50 for more details.
4 Log off the default administrator by typing Logoff and pressing ENTER.
To log on to Windows NT with NetBIOS
1 Go to an OS/2 command prompt.
2 Use specific words in place of “userid” “password” and “domain.”
• If using a network domain, type
logon userid /p:password
• If no domain, type
logon userid /p:password
3 Press ENTER.
To map a Windows NT network drive
1 Go to an OS/2 command prompt.
2 Use specific words in place of “server” and “share” and type
net use x: \\server\share
and press ENTER.
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Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Automatic Windows log on
messaging system to automatically log on to a Windows network by
performing the following procedure.
If you prefer to avoid the security risks of automatically logging on, you can
To automatically log on to Windows NT with NetBIOS
1 Make a backup copy of the Startit.cmd file.
2 Go to the OS/2 command prompt and type
tedit c:\startit.cmd
and press ENTER.
3 Go to the beginning of the file and insert the following command lines. If
not using a domain, insert all but the /d:domain command. Use specific
words in place of “userid” and “password.” “Server” is the Windows
computer name and “Share” is the Windows share name.
logon userid /p:password
net use h: \\server\share
4 Save the file and close it.
5 Shut down and restart the voice messaging system by setting the
board’s Shutdown switch Off. After the system has shut down, set the
switch On and then press the Power button to restart.
To change the default administrator user ID and password
1 Go to an OS/2 command prompt and type
logon admin /p:admin
and press ENTER.
2 Use specific words in place of “userid” and “password” and add a new
admin by typing
net user userid password
and pressing ENTER.
3 Assign administrator privileges by typing
net user userid
and pressing ENTER.
4 Log off the default administrator by typing logoff and pressing ENTER.
5 Log on as the new administrator by typing
logon userid /p:password
and pressing ENTER.
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6 Delete the default by typing
net user admin /delete
and pressing ENTER.
7 Log off the new admin by typing logoff and pressing ENTER.
NetWare connection
To set the voice messaging system to log on and attach to a Novell NetWare
network, you need to edit three files: Nconnect.cmd, Rconnect.cmd, and
Startit.cmd. To do so, perform the following three procedures.
To edit the Nconnect.cmd file
1 Shut down the voice messaging system application by pressing ESC at
the Banner screen and then following the system prompts.
2 To open an OS/2 command prompt from the voice messaging system
screens, do one of the following:
• If you are using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse plugged into the voice mes-
saging system board to access the voice messaging system screens, go to
the OS/2 desktop and select the OS/2 Window icon.
• If you are using a remote access connection to access the voice messaging
system screens, switch to the
OS/2 Host Process Switcher window. Type 0 to choose “Start a new 0S/2
text session” and press ENTER.
3 At the OS/2 command prompt, type e: and press ENTER.
4 Type cd \vmail and press ENTER.
5 Make a backup copy of the Nconnect.cmd file.
6 Using the OS/2 tedit text editor, open the Nconnect.cmd file. To do so,
tedit nconnect.cmd
and press ENTER.
NOTE: Refer to the text editor’s online help for instructions on using this
text editor.
7 Go to the end of the file.
8 Add commands that are specific to the network. For more information,
refer to the documentation that comes with the network. For example,
login server_one/username
map j:=server_one\admin:
attach server_two/username
map k:=server_two\
map l:=server_two\develop:
9 Save the file and close it.
NOTE: You can log on to only one server, but you can attach to as many
48 - Chapter 4
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Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
additional servers as necessary.
To edit the Rconnect.cmd file
1 At the OS/2 command prompt, type e: and press ENTER.
2 Type cd \vmail and press ENTER.
3 Make a backup copy of the Rconnect.cmd file.
4 Using the OS/2 text editor, open the Rconnect.cmd file. To do so, type
tedit rconnect.cmd
and press ENTER.
5 Go to the line “set dozetime=10.”
6 If necessary, replace 10 with the number of minutes between polls
made to the network by the Rconnect.cmd file. (If you set this field to a
higher number, it may take longer before subscribers are notified
that the network is down.)
7 Save the file and close it.
To edit the Startit.cmd file
1 At the OS/2 command prompt, type e: and press ENTER.
2 Type cd \vmail and press ENTER.
3 Make a backup copy of the Startit.cmd file.
4 Using the OS/2 text editor, open the Startit.cmd file. To do so, type
tedit startit.cmd
and press ENTER.
5 Go to the line
“rem <voice messaging system drive letter>: && cd \vmail && start
‘background re-connect’
/f rconnect.cmd”
and remove rem from it. This sets up the Rconnect.cmd file to run auto-
matically when the voice messaging system restarts.
6 Save the file and close it.
7 At an OS/2 command prompt, type shutdown and press ENTER.
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Chapter 4 - 49
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You can set up a remote Windows computer without a Windows network
domain for backing up the voice messaging system.
Based on the version of Windows that you are using, perform the applicable
set of procedures on the next three pages. For more detailed instructions,
ask your network administrator or refer to the Windows network
Windows 98 or ME setup
To set up a Windows 98 or ME workgroup
1 From the Control Panel on the Windows computer, double-click the
Network icon.
2 In the Configuration tab of the Network window, confirm that “File and
printer sharing for Microsoft Networks” is listed in the list of installed
network components.
If it is installed, continue to step 3. If it is not installed, install the service.
3 In the Identification tab, confirm that the “Computer name” is one word
with no spaces.
4 Also confirm that the “Workgroup” field has a value that is different than
any valid network domain name. If the field is blank, type a unique
5 Then write down the “Computer name” and “Workgroup” field values,
because you will need these when setting up the voice messaging
6 In the Access Control tab, confirm that the “Share-level access control”
field is selected and click “OK.”
7 When prompted, restart the computer.
To set up share-level access for 98 or ME
1 From the Windows computer desktop, double-click the My Computer
2 Right-click the drive or directory that you want the computer to share
with the voice messaging system and then select the Sharing menu.
3 Select “Shared As” and in the “Share Name” field, type a name.
4 Set the “Access Type” and “Passwords” fields, as needed.
5 Write down the share name and password settings for reference during
the voice messaging system setup and then click “Apply.”
NOTE: The user that is added to the voice messaging system in the
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Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Windows NT or 2000 setup
To set up an NT or 2000 workgroup
1 Log on to the Windows NT or 2000 computer with administration access
2 Right-click the My Computer icon and select the Properties menu.
3 In the Network Identification tab, confirm that the computer name is all
one word with no spaces.
4 Click “Properties” and set up a unique Workgroup name, which must be
different than any domain on the network.
5 Write down the computer name and Workgroup name for reference
during the voice messaging system setup and then click “OK.”
To set up an NT or 2000 user ID and password
1 For Windows NT, from the Start menu, click the Programs>
Administrative Tools> User Manager menus.
For Windows 2000, from the Control Panel, double-click the Users and
Passwords icon. In the Advanced tab, under the Advanced User Man-
agement section, click “Advanced.”
2 Do one of the following:
• For Windows NT, if you want to use a new account, click “Add” and follow
the on-screen instructions to set up a new user ID, privileges and password.
• For Windows 2000, if you want to use a new account, right-click the users
folder and select “New user...” Follow the on-screen instructions to set up
the new user ID and password.
• Or for either NT or 2000, if you want the voice messaging system to use the
default Guest account, enable the single user Guest account and confirm
that the Guest password is set.
NOTE: Confirm that you are using the single user Guest account for
this step, which is different than the Guests group account.
3 For either the Guest or new account, clear the check box for the “User
must change password on the next log on” field.
4 Write down the account’s User ID and password for reference during the
voice messaging system setup.
5 Click “Apply” and then click “Close” to complete the setup.
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To set up share-level access for NT or 2000
1 On the Windows computer desktop, double-click the My Computer icon.
2 Right-click the drive or directory that you want the voice messaging
system to share and then click the Sharing menu.
3 Select the “Share this folder” field and set the appropriate Share name.
NOTE: If you are sharing drive C, do not use the default C$ setting.
Instead, select “New Share” and create a new sharing profile.
4 Click “Permissions,” select “Everyone” and then click “Remove.”
5 In the Permissions dialogue box, click “Add” and add the Guest or new
user account that you set up in the previous procedure.
6 Then set up the read/write privileges for this user account and click
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Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
It is a good idea to back up your voice messaging system files on a regular
basis. You may also want to back up voice messaging system files after the
initial installation, before upgrading the system, and after upgrading the
You can use the Backup Schedule screen to schedule two different types of
Two scheduled backups. You can set up to two daily, weekly or monthly recur-
ring backups.
The backup process requires that you select the type of backup and
indicate the appropriate directory path for storing backup files:
For a network backup, indicate a remote directory path on a network drive. For
backing up to Windows NT with NetBIOS over TCP/IP, see “Windows connec-
tion with NetBIOS.”
For a local backup, indicate a local directory path on the voice messaging sys-
tem’s hard disk.
Back up your files on a regular schedule, such as every month.
Keep a written log of the directory path where your backup files are
Use the voice messaging system’s Backup screen to schedule backups of
the voice messaging system’s files. You can choose whether you want to
backup prompts, logs, and incoming messages. The voice messaging
system’s database and OGMs (opening greeting messages) are included in
all backups.
To schedule an immediate backup
1 Go to the Backup Schedule screen.
2 In the “Name” field of the Immediate Backup section, type the name you
want to use for the backup file set.
3 In the “Destination path” field, type the path to where you want the files
NOTE: The directory path must exist before the system will accept it as
the destination path.
4 In the “Contents” field, select which files that you want to back up.
5 In the “Start backup” filed, type y and press ENTER.
6 The voice messaging system then performs an immediate backup. It
may take up to a minute to start.
NOTE: For network backups, you must install the correct network protocols
on your voice messaging system. See "Installing network protocols
Backing Up & Restoring the System
Chapter 4 - 53
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To schedule recurring backups
1 Go to the Backup Schedule screen.
2 In the “Name” field of the Immediate Backup section, type the name you
want to use for the backup file set.
3 In the “Destination path” field, type the path to where you want the files
4 In the “Contents” field, select which files that you want to back up.
5 In the “Frequency” section, select the frequency by typing an x next to
one of the three options.
6 For a weekly backup, type the letter representing the day. For a monthly,
type f for first or l for last and then type the letter of the appropriate
7 In the “Start time” and “Start date” fields, type the time and date that you
want the backup to occur.
8 In the “Enable backup” field, type y to enable the backup and press
9 The voice messaging system then performs the backup at the scheduled
date and time.
NOTE: The voice messaging system must be running at the scheduled date
and time for the backup to occur.
1:06pm DAY 28-Jun-02
2. Ans
6. Ans
Recording Time:281:17
Sandy Simmons
Page 10
Immediate Backup
Backup #2
(System data is included in all backups) |
Scheduled Backup #1
Name: _____________
Path: ______________
Prompts: No Logs: No
Logs: No
Messages: No
Prompts: No Logs: No
Messages: No
Prompts: No
Messages: No
Name Accepts the name that you want to use for the backup file set.
Destination path Accepts the appropriate directory path for where you want to store the backup
Prompts Accepts y to backup all system prompts. Otherwise, type n.
Logs Accepts y to backup all system logs. Otherwise, type n.
Messages Accepts y to backup all system messages. Otherwise, type n.
Start backup? Accepts y to begin an immediate backup.
54 - Chapter 4
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Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Frequency Accepts an x in the space next to one of the three frequency options. For “Weekly,”
type the letter representing the day. For the monthly schedule, type f for first or l for last and
then the letter representing the day. Type the days in MTWHFSU format (H=Thursday, U=Sunday).
Start time Sets the time for when the backup begins in hh:mmam format. For example, 2:00am.
Start date Sets the date for when the backup begins in dd-mmm format. For example, 28-Jun.
Enable backup? Accepts y to enable the scheduled backup to occur. Otherwise, type n.
Backing Up & Restoring the System
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With the BRFT utility, you can use either a null modem serial cable or a
modem to connect the BRFT Remote on the support computer to the BRFT
Host on the voice messaging system.
TIP: After transferring files to your support computer hard disk, copy them to an
appropriate media for off-site storage.
Direct connection requirements
One end of a null modem serial cable must be plugged into an available serial
port on the support computer. The other end must be plugged into the serial port
on the voice messaging system board. See “About the system board” for
Confirm that SW3 dip switch #2 is set for direct connections. If necessary, shut
down the voice messaging system, set it correctly, and then restart the system.
Modem connection requirements
A 100 percent Hayes-compatible modem must be installed on the support com-
puter. The voice messaging system comes with a 9600K baud modem installed.
A public phone network (analogue) line must be connected to the support com-
puter’s modem. In addition, the voice messaging system’s modem must be con-
nected to an analogue extension port.
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Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
To transfer backup files to a support computer
access connection," on page 33 for details.
2 At an OS/2 command prompt, go to the E:\Vmail directory.
3 For a direct connection, type brfthost -d and press ENTER.
For a modem connection, type brfthost -bn -m and press ENTER,
where n represents the baud rate. For example, type -b9600 for a baud
rate of 9600.
4 During the file transfer, a message with the connection type and baud
displays on the screen.
NOTE: To cancel the file transfer on the host computer, press
5 End the connection and exit Windows Remote.
6 Go to the directory where you installed the BRFT Remote software and
double-click on the Brftrmt.exe file to start the program.
7 From the BRFT Connection menu, type 3 and press ENTER to select
“Configure serial ports.”
8 From the Serial Port Configuration menu, select one of the following:
• 1 and press ENTER for “Select serial port.”
• 2 and press ENTER for “Change baud rate.”
NOTE: These settings must match the host’s BRFT serial port settings.
9 To save the new serial port settings for future BRFT connections, type 3
to save the settings. Otherwise, these settings are only valid for this
10 Type 4 to return to the BRFT Connection menu.
NOTE: After 2 minutes of inactivity, the host utility will end the connec-
11 From the BRFT Connection menu, type 1 for a modem connection or
type 2 for a direct connection.
12 If asked, type the voice messaging system’s phone number and press
13 Follow the on-screen instructions until the main menu appears.
14 When the main menu appears, type 1 to transfer backup files.
15 Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the backup and exit the
BRFT Remote software.
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If the voice messaging system's database becomes corrupt and unusable,
you can restore system files from a recent backup using the Restore utility.
For LAN backups, perform the procedure to the right. For other backups,
perform the procedure on the next page.
In rare cases, you may wish to reset the voice messaging system settings to
WARNING! Restoring the voice messaging system files will overwrite existing files.
WARNING! You risk data corruption if you perform any other tasks on the computer while
the data is being restored.
WARNING! Restoring the voice messaging system default settings will erase software con-
figuration settings and all subscriber and port settings. Backup the current database before
To restore system files from a LAN backup
2 Copy the backup files to the voice messaging system.
3 Shut down the voice messaging system application.
4 At an OS/2 command prompt, go to the E:\Vmail directory.
5 Type vmrestor and press ENTER.
6 Follow the on-screen instructions to restore the system files.
7 Restart the voice messaging system application.
To restore system files from a modem or direct connection
1 If you are restoring system files from diskettes, copy the backup files to
the support computer's hard disk.
3 From the voice messaging system console, go to an OS/2 command
4 Change to the E:\Vmail directory.
5 For a direct connection, type brfthost -d and press ENTER.
For a modem connection, type brfthost -bn -m and press ENTER,
where n represents the baud rate. For example, type -b9600 for a baud
rate of 9600.
6 End the remote access connection and exit Windows Remote.
7 On the support computer, go to the directory where the BRFT remote
software is installed and double-click on the “Brftrmt.exe” file.
8 At the BRFT Connection menu, type 3 and press ENTER to select
“Configure serial ports.”
58 - Chapter 4
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Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
9 At the Serial Port Configuration menu, select one of the following:
• 1 and press ENTER for “Select serial port.”
• 2 and press ENTER for “Change baud rate.”
NOTE: These settings must match the host’s BRFT serial port settings.
10 To save the new serial port settings for future BRFT connections, type 3
to save the settings. Otherwise, these settings are only valid for this
11 Type 4 to return to the BRFT Connection menu.
NOTE: After 2 minutes of inactivity, the host utility will end the connec-
12 At the BRFT Connection menu, type 1 for a modem connection or
type 2 for a direct connection.
13 If prompted, type the voice messaging system’s phone number and
press ENTER.
14 Follow the on-screen instructions until the main menu appears.
15 At the main menu, type 2 to transfer the restore files.
16 Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the transfer.
17 Exit the BRFT remote software.
18 With Windows Remote, establish a remote access connection.
19 Shut down the voice messaging system application.
20 At an OS/2 command prompt, change to the E:\Vmail directory.
21 Type vmrestor and press ENTER.
22 Follow the on-screen instructions to restore the system files.
NOTE: Several times during the restore process, you may be asked to
overwrite files. Type y and press ENTER for each occurrence,
and continue.
23 Restart the voice messaging system application.
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To restore system default settings (disaster recovery)
1 Shut down the voice messaging system application.
2 Open an OS/2 command prompt from the voice messaging system by
performing one of the following:
• If you are using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse plugged into the voice mes-
saging system board to access the voice messaging system screens, go to
the OS/2 desktop and select the OS/2 Window icon.
• If you are using a remote access connection to access the voice messaging
system screens, switch to the
OS/2 Host Process Switcher window. Type 0 to choose “Start a new 0S/2 text
session” and press ENTER.
3 At the OS/2 command prompt, type f: and press ENTER.
4 Type cd \ and press ENTER.
5 Type default and press ENTER.
6 Shut down and restart the voice messaging system by setting the
board’s Shutdown switch Off. After the system has shut down, set the
switch On and then press the Power button to restart.
7 Set up or change settings for the voice messaging system software as
described in “Setting up the voice messaging system software”.At the
OS/2 command prompt, type f: and press ENTER.
8 Type cd \ and press ENTER.
9 Type default and press ENTER.
10 Shut down and restart the voice messaging system by setting the
board’s Shutdown switch Off. After the system has shut down, set the
switch On and then press the Power button to restart.
11 Set up or change settings for the voice messaging system software as
described in “Setting up the voice messaging system software”.
60 - Chapter 4
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Chapter 5 – Upgrading the Voice Messaging System
Upgrading the Voice
Messaging System
Chapter 5
This chapter describes the process for upgrading an existing XenMail CTI
package. To perform an upgrade, you will need the upgrade file that was
provided when you purchased additional system options.
Upgrading an existing system may include adding any or all of the following
New system languages.
Additional voice messaging system ports.
New feature packages, such as TeLANophy.
Refer to the steps below to perform an upgrade.
If you are upgrading from a different product line, see “New with this prod-
uct” and “Set up overview” to set up your “new” system.
Upgrade steps
1 Back up the voice messaging system and transfer the backup files to a
support computer or a LAN.
2 If your upgrade includes new system languages or Hospitality prompts,
configure the voice messaging system software to use them.
3 If your upgrade includes new ports, configure the phone system and voice
messaging system to use them.
4 If your upgrade includes new feature packages, configure the voice
messaging system software to use them.
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Perform the following steps to add system languages and prompts.
You can also use these steps to change your default system language or
remove a language and replace it with another selection. An upgrade file is
not required for such tasks.
Steps for adding a language
1 Configure the voice messaging system software to use additional languages
and prompts.
2 Back up the voice messaging system.
To add or update system languages and prompts
1 Shut down the voice messaging system application by pressing ESC at
the Banner screen and then following the system prompts.
2 If you haven’t already done so for this upgrade, transfer the upgrade file
from the support computer to the C:\ directory (root) on the voice
messaging system hard drive. See “Transferring files” on page 37.
3 To open an OS/2 command prompt from the voice messaging system
screens, do one of the following:
• If you are using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse plugged into the voice mes-
saging system board to access the voice messaging system screens, go to
the OS/2 desktop and select the OS/2 Window icon.
• If you are using a remote access connection to access the voice messaging
system screens, switch to the
OS/2 Host Process Switcher window. 0 to choose “Start a new 0S/2 text
session” and press ENTER.
4 At the OS/2 command prompt, f: and press ENTER.
5 cd \ and press ENTER.
6 setup and press ENTER.
7 y to proceed with the voice messaging system Setup utility.
8 From the Setup menu, 1 to choose “Add new features” and press
9 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed
on drive E.
10 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed
in the Vmail directory.
11 From the Upgrade Code menu, 1 to use the upgrade file you copied to
the C:\ directory and press ENTER.
12 Press ENTER to confirm that the upgrade file is located in the C:\
62 - Chapter 5
Upgrading the Voice Messaging System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
13 Review the features and options available with your new system that are
listed on-screen. Press ENTER to continue.
14 From the Add New Features menu, choose “Add new prompts” by
typing the corresponding menu number and pressing ENTER.
15 When you have completed your selection, press ENTER to continue.
16 Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the system software for
the languages that you want to add or update.
17 If you are updating an existing language, you may want to avoid
overwriting customised or rerecorded prompts. If so, at the Install All
New Prompts menu, choose “No” and then press ENTER to continue.
18 When you reach the Setup Complete menu, type y and press ENTER
to exit the Setup utility.
19 Shut down and restart the voice messaging system by setting the
board’s Shutdown switch Off. After the system has shut down, set the
switch On and then press the Power button to restart.
Upgrading the Voice Messaging System
Chapter 5 - 63
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Refer to the steps below to increase the number of ports on your system.
Steps for adding ports
1 Program the phone system to assign extensions to the new ports, and revise
the hunt group.
2 Configure the voice messaging system software to work with the additional
3 Customise the new ports for your site.
See “Completing the site information” and “Setting up ports” in the Sys-
tem Management Guide.
4 Back up the voice messaging system.
To add ports
1 Shut down the voice messaging system application by pressing ESC at
the Banner screen and then following the system prompts.
2 If you haven’t already done so for this upgrade, transfer the upgrade file
from the support computer to the C:\ (root) directory on the voice
messaging system hard drive. See “Transferring files” on page 37.
3 To open an OS/2 command prompt from the voice messaging system
screens, do one of the following:
• If you are using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse plugged into the voice mes-
saging system board to access the voice messaging system screens, go to
the OS/2 desktop and select the OS/2 Window icon.
• If you are using a remote access connection to access the voice messaging
system screens, switch to the
OS/2 Host Process Switcher window. 0 to choose “Start a new 0S/2 text
session” and press ENTER.
4 At the OS/2 command prompt, f: and press ENTER.
5 cd \ and press ENTER.
6 setup and press ENTER.
7 y to proceed with the voice messaging system Setup utility.
8 From the Setup menu, 1 to choose “Add new features” and press
9 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed
on drive E.
10 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed
in the Vmail directory.
11 From the Upgrade Code menu, 1to use the upgrade file you copied to
the C:\ directory and press ENTER.
12 Press ENTER to confirm that the upgrade file is located in the C:\
64 - Chapter 5
Upgrading the Voice Messaging System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
13 Review the features and options available with your new system that are
listed on-screen. Press ENTER to continue.
14 From the Add New Features menu, choose “Add voice ports” by typing
the corresponding menu number and pressing ENTER.
15 When you have completed your selection, press ENTER to continue.
16 Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the system software for
the additional ports.
17 When you reach the Setup Complete menu, type y and press ENTER
to exit the Setup utility.
18 Shut down and restart the voice messaging system by setting the
board’s Shutdown switch Off. After the system has shut down, set the
switch On and then press the Power button to restart.
Upgrading the Voice Messaging System
Chapter 5 - 65
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
To add feature packages, such as TeLANophy or ActiveFax, perform the
following steps.
Steps for adding feature packages
1 Ask your network administrator for the information required to set up the
feature packages and network protocols at your site.
Some feature packages require a LAN integration. If the correct network
protocols are not set up on your system, you are prompted to set them up
when you configure the voice messaging system software. Refer to the
table below for details.
2 Configure voice messaging system software to use feature packages.
3 If you added TeLANophy, set it up.
See TeLANophy overview, Chapter 6.
4 If you added ActiveFax, set it up.
See System Management Guide: FaxMail setup, Chapter 9.
5 Back up the voice messaging system.
Setup option
Action required
T Configure TCP/IP or IPX/SPX protocols
T For TCP/IP, indicate: subnet mask, router, domain, server name,
Network protocols
and TCP/IP address of voice messaging system
T For IPX/SPX, indicate: NetWare bindery or directory mode, pre-
ferred server and name context, frame header type
T For NetBIOS over TCP/IP, configure TCP/IP and indicate: NT
domain, NT user ID, and NT password
66 - Chapter 5
Upgrading the Voice Messaging System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
To add feature packages
1 Shut down the voice messaging system application by pressing ESC at
the Banner screen and then following the system prompts.
2 If you haven’t already done so for this upgrade, transfer the upgrade file
from the support computer to the root (c:\) directory on the voice
3 To open an OS/2 command prompt from the voice messaging system
screens, do one of the following:
If you are using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse plugged into the voice mes-
saging system board to access the voice messaging system screens, go to
the OS/2 desktop and select the OS/2 Window icon.
• If you are using a remote access connection to access the voice messaging
system screens, switch to the OS/2 Host Process Switcher window. 0to
choose “Start a new 0S/2 text session” and press ENTER.
4 At the OS/2 command prompt, f: and press ENTER.
5 cd \ and press ENTER.
6 setup and press ENTER.
7 y to proceed with the voice messaging system Setup utility.
8 From the Setup menu, 1 to choose “Add new features” and press
9 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed
on drive E.
10 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed
in the Vmail directory.
11 From the Upgrade Code menu, 1 to use the upgrade file you copied to
the C:\ directory and press ENTER.
12 Press ENTER to confirm that the upgrade file is located in the C:\
13 Review the features and options available with your new system that are
listed on-screen. Press ENTER to continue.
14 From the Add New Features menu, choose the features you want to set
up by typing the corresponding menu number and then pressing
15 When you have completed your selection(s), press ENTER to continue.
16 Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the system software for
these new features.
17 When you reach the Setup Complete menu, type y and press ENTER
to exit the Setup utility.
18 Shut down and restart the voice messaging system by setting the
board’s Shutdown switch Off. After the system has shut down, set the
switch On and then press the Power button to restart.
A system with incorrect protocol information cannot connect to the LAN. To
reenter the correct values, perform the procedure, “to change an existing
network protocol configuration.”
Upgrading the Voice Messaging System
Chapter 5 - 67
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
If the caller does not press any touchtone keys during the operator’s
greeting, the system takes the action specified in the Action section of
Application screen page 4. The actions for the operator box are the same as
for a transaction box.
If the operator’s extension is busy or does not answer after a set number of
rings, calls go by default to the public interview box.
The public interview box plays a series of questions and records the caller’s
response. If your system uses the public interview box, set up at least one
subscriber with access to these messages, called public messages, to
ensure that someone will receive them and respond in a timely manner.
Messages in the operator box, which have been listened to, are
automatically deleted according to the setting in the “Public hold/archive
msgs” field on the Public Interview Box screen. Messages left in the system
operator box can also be manually deleted before the voice messaging
system deletes them by pressing F7 from Application screen page 4.
To set up actions after greetings
1 Go to Application screen page 4.
2 In the Action section, in both the “Day” and “Night” fields, the appropriate
values and press ENTER.
3 If you typed g (Go to system ID) in either the “Day” or “Night” field, then
in the field to the right, the system extension that you want to route the
call to, and press ENTER.
If you want to send the call to the public interview box, $PM.
4 If the Action value is “Take-msg,” then in the “Max-msg” field, the
appropriate value.
5 If the Action value is “Take-msg,” then in the “Edits OK?” field, the
appropriate value.
6 If the Action value is “Take-msg,” then in the “Send msg urgent?” field,
the appropriate value.
7 If the Action value is “Take-msg,” then in the “After msg” field, the
appropriate value.
See Also:
Public interview box overview ............................................................................ 229
68 - Chapter 5
Upgrading the Voice Messaging System
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Set up System Operator
System ID: 0
Voice name: 0:01
Page 4 of 12
Language: US
-->Transfer ------------------->Greeting ----->Action ------------------------
Yes--> 0
| »Day: 0:09 | Day: GotoID--> 0
| Nite: 0:09 | Nite: GotoID--> $PM
Intro: 0:01
0 Rings
Holding? No |
Transfer options : A | Active: D/N | Send msg urgent? No
Gather ID intro : 0:00 | After msg: GotoID--> $HANGUP
| Alt: 0:07 | Max-msg:
90 sec
| Edits OK? Yes
Alternate system IDs for special operators on each port: 1=131 2=132 3-4=135
Day (Action) Accepts one of the following field values for the action taken after playing the
greeting during the day schedule.
S (Say good-bye) Plays a prompt asking whether the caller needs further assistance,
pauses, says good-bye, then disconnects.
O (Transfer to the operator) Routes the caller to the operator box. This setting is not
recommended for use with the operator box.
H (Hang up) Disconnects without saying good-bye.
R (Restart) Returns the caller to the opening greeting box. This setting is not recom-
mended for use with the operator box.
G (Go to system ID) Routes the call to another system ID. If you choose this option,
enter an ID to route the call to in the field to the right. Do not enter a system ID for the
operator box.
T (Take a message) Records a message for the owner of the voice mailbox.
Night (Action) Accepts the same field values as the “Day” field. The value determines what
action is taken after playing the greeting during the night schedule.
Max-msg Accepts the maximum length, in seconds, of a message from an unidentified
caller. This setting applies only if the Action value is set to “Take a message.”
Edits OK? Accepts y or n to let callers change messages they have just recorded. This
setting applies only if the Action value is set to “Take a message.”
Send msg urgent? Accepts one of the following values for enabling an unidentified caller
to leave an urgent message. This setting applies only if the Action value is set to “Take a mes-
Y (Yes) Sets the system to send every message from an unidentified caller as an urgent
A (Ask) Sets the voice messaging system to ask unidentified callers whether to mark a
message as urgent.
N (No) Prevents unidentified callers from marking messages as urgent.
After msg Accepts the same field values as the “Day” action field (except “Take a mes-
sage”). The value determines the action taken after recording a caller’s message. This setting
applies only if the Action value is set to “Take a message.”
Upgrading the Voice Messaging System
Chapter 5 - 69
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
70 - Chapter 5
Upgrading the Voice Messaging System
Chapter 6 – Setting Up TeLANophy
Setting Up TeLANophy
Chapter 6
TeLANophy is a suite of applications that combines features of the voice
messaging software, the phone system, and a LAN. The TeLANophy suite
consists of ViewMail , ViewFax , ViewCall Plus (with PhoneBASIC ), and
ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging. TeLANophy subscribers can use their
workstations to access and manage voice and fax messages. Perform the
following setup steps to use TeLANophy at your site.
TeLANophy setup steps
1 Activate TeLANophy and configure network protocols on the voice
messaging system:
• If you purchased TeLANophy as part of a new voice messaging system or
want to use a trial version, the TeLANophy feature package is automatically
activated the first time you set up the system. If you did not configure the
system’s network protocols at that time, see “Configuring network protocols
• If you are adding TeLANophy to an existing system, see “Adding feature
packages” to upgrade your system and configure network protocols to use
this feature.
2 Connect the voice messaging system to a LAN.
See “Connecting communications devices.”.
3 For ViewCall Plus, specify station numbers for ViewCall Plus on the voice
messaging system.
4 Install and set up the TeLANophy application on individual workstations.
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Chapter 6 - 71
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
Perform the following procedure to set up or reconfigure network protocols
To configure network protocols for TeLANophy
1 Ask your network administrator for the information required to set up
network protocols. Refer to the table in Chapter 2 for details.
2 Shut down the voice messaging system application by pressing ESC at
the Banner screen and then following the system prompts.
3 To open an OS/2 command prompt from the voice messaging system
screens, do one of the following:
• If you are using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse plugged into the voice mes-
saging system board to access the voice messaging system screens, go to
the OS/2 desktop and select the OS/2 Window icon.
• If you are using a remote access connection to access the voice messaging
system screens, switch to the OS/2 Host Process Switcher window by press-
ing Esc+Alt. Type 0 to choose “Start a new 0S/2 text session” and press
4 At the OS/2 command prompt, type f: and press ENTER.
5 Type cd \ and press ENTER.
6 Type setup and press ENTER.
7 Type y to proceed with the voice messaging system Setup utility.
8 Press ENTER to continue until you reach the Setup Type menu.
9 From the Setup Type menu, type 2 to choose “Configure system” and
press ENTER.
10 Press ENTER until you reach the Update Configuration menu.
11 From the Update Configuration menu, type 1 to configure or reconfigure
network protocols for TeLANophy and press ENTER.
12 When you have completed your selection(s), press ENTER.
13 Follow the on-screen instructions to continue.
14 From the Setup Complete menu, type y and press ENTER to exit the
Setup utility.
15 Shut down and restart the voice messaging system by setting the
board’s Shutdown switch Off. After the system has shut down, set the
switch On and then press the Power button to restart.
NOTE: A system with incorrect protocol information cannot connect to
the LAN. To reenter the correct values, perform the procedure,
see “To change an existing network protocol configuration.”
72 - Chapter 6
Setting Up TeLANophy
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
For ViewCall Plus to work correctly, the phone system’s station numbers
must be entered into the voice messaging system.
To specify station numbers in the voice messaging system
1 Go to line 7 on Application screen page 1.
2 In the “Station numbers” field, enter the phone system station numbers
that are connected to the voice messaging system ports.
»1. Ans 5. Ans
2. Ans 6. Dial
3. Ans 7. A/D
4. A/D 8. Msg
10:30am DAY 20-Aug-02
Recording Time: 112:12
System manager
Page 1 of 12
1. Site name: Organisation's name
2. Contact: Organisation's system manager
Phone#: 555-555-5555
----------------------------- Calls Answered ---------------------------------
3. Total trunks/stations: 12 / 24
4. Day calls answered: All trunks
Calls/day: 500
Night calls: All trunks
5. All ports busy action: Ring-until-answered
----------------------------- Access Numbers ---------------------------------
6. Trunk pilot #: 555-555-5555
Alternate trunk #s: 800-555-5555
# of trunks answered: 12
7. Port stations
Pilot #: 500
Station numbers: 500-508
Port station numbers Accepts the extension number of each phone system line that is connected to
a voice messaging port, in ascending order, separated by commas. If the numbers are sequential, type
a range separated by a hyphen.
Setting Up TeLANophy
Chapter 6 - 73
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
This chapter provides instructions for installing and setting up TeLANophy
on user workstations.
Setup steps
1 Make sure workstations meet hardware and software requirements.
2 Set up network protocols on the TeLANophy workstations.
3 Install and set up TeLANophy applications on individual workstations.
4 Tell subscribers how to get started.
See System Management Guide: “Training subscribers.”
74 - Chapter 6
Setting Up TeLANophy
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Hardware/software Requirements
T PentiumII 300 with at least 128 MB RAM or better recom-
mended (required by VMM)
T PC-compatible sound device (optional)
T 16 MB of hard disk space
Memory and hard
disk space
T 8 MB RAM (16 MB or more recommended)
T 52K conventional memory
T Any of the following:
Operating system
• Microsoft Windows 98
• Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6A
• Microsoft Windows 2000
• Microsoft Windows XP
T Any of the following:
E-mail system for
ViewMail for Microsoft
Messaging (VMM)
• Microsoft Exchange
• Microsoft Outlook (for Outlook 98 and Outlook 2000,
need Corporate or Workgroup version)
Note: When a customer is running the Windows XP
operating system, the following versions of Microsoft
Outlook will work with our new VMM:
• Outlook 97
• Outlook 98
• Outlook 2000 with Service Pack 1
• Outlook 2002(XP) with Service Pack 1
• Microsoft Windows Messaging
Setting Up TeLANophy
Chapter 6 - 75
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
TeLANophy workstations can use TCP/IP as the communications protocol.
TeLANophy uses TCP port 1024. You need to know the TCP/UDP port to
allow access through a firewall.
Refer to the following sections to install and set up the TCP/IP protocol, and
to use TeLANophy applications over wide area networks (WANs) and the
To use TeLANophy applications over a WAN or the Internet with TCP/IP, see
See Also:
OS/2 Warp documentation
76 - Chapter 6
Setting Up TeLANophy
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Perform the following procedure to set up Windows 98 or later workstations
that use TeLANophy applications with
To set up a Windows 98 or later workstation
1 From the Windows taskbar, choose “Start,” choose “Settings,” and then
choose “Control Panel.”
2 In the Control Panel, double-click “Network.”
3 In the Configuration tab, check whether
“TCP/IP protocol” is listed. Then choose the appropriate scenario:
• If it is listed, choose “Cancel.”
• If it is not listed, choose “Add,” then follow the on-screen instructions
to install the driver from your Windows.
Next Step:
OS/2 Warp documentation
Setting Up TeLANophy
Chapter 6 - 77
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
Perform the following procedure to set up Windows NT 4.0 workstations that
use TeLANophy applications with TCP/IP.
NT 4.0
Administrative rights are required to configure a workstation. If the buttons
are shaded, you do not have administrative rights.
To set up a Windows NT 4.0 workstation
1 From the Windows taskbar, choose “Start,” choose “Settings,” and then
choose “Control Panel.”
2 In the Control Panel, double-click “Network.”
3 Choose the Protocols tab, and check whether “TCP/IP protocol” is listed.
Then choose the appropriate scenario:
• If “TCP/IP protocol” is listed, choose “Cancel.”
• If “TCP/IP protocol” is not listed, choose “Add,” and then follow the on-screen
instructions to install the driver from your Windows NT 4.0 disc.
78 - Chapter 6
Setting Up TeLANophy
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Perform the following procedure to set up Windows 2000 workstations that
use TeLANophy applications with TCP/IP.
Administrative rights are required for setting up a Windows 2000
workstation. Without administrative rights, an error message appears
explaining that you have insufficient rights for changing settings.
To set up a Windows 2000 workstation
1 From the Windows taskbar, choose “Start,” choose “Settings,” and then
choose “Control Panel.”
2 In the Control Panel, double-click “Network and connections.”
3 Right-click “Local area connections.” On the Shortcut menu, click
4 In the Local area connections dialogue box, click “Install” and choose
5 Click “Add” and click “TCP/IP.”
6 Click “Add.”
Setting Up TeLANophy
Chapter 6 - 79
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
To test the TCP/IP setup on individual workstations, perform the following
To use the PING software
1 On the workstation, open an MS-DOS command prompt.
2 Type ping <IP address of the voice messaging system> and press ENTER.
3 If you see a PING software reply message containing bytes received,
the TCP/IP software is configured properly. If not, you will get a message
saying that the IP address could not be reached. Try one or more of the
following actions to correct the problem:
• The workstation may not be configured correctly. Repeat the appropriate
protocol setup procedure for the workstation’s operating system.
• The voice messaging system’s protocols may not be configured correctly.
Perform the procedure, “To set up the voice messaging system software” to
confirm or correct these settings.
• There may be a problem with the network. Contact the network administra-
• Network cables may not be attached correctly or securely. Check the LAN
connections for the voice messaging system and the workstation.
• You may not have restarted the workstation. Close all files, shut down all
applications, and restart.
80 - Chapter 6
Setting Up TeLANophy
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
The installation files for TeLANophy applications are stored on the voice
messaging system’s disc. There are two ways that you can install
TeLANophy applications on individual workstations:
You can take the voice messaging system’s disc to each workstation and install
You can copy the TeLANophy application install files to a network drive and then
Refer to the following table to determine the correct file path when you
install TeLANophy applications using either method.
Installing ViewFax
When installing ViewFax on Windows 98 or later, the installation may stop
and return an error message about the Daemon.exe file. If this happens,
press CTRL-ALT-DEL and go to the task manager or close program box.
Highlight Daemon.exe and click “End Task” or “End Process.” Return to the
ViewFax installation window and click “Retry” to continue.
TeLANophy application paths
Disc directory path
ViewCall Plus
ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging
Setting Up TeLANophy
Chapter 6 - 81
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
To install TeLANophy from a CD
1 At the workstation, insert the voice
messaging support CD in the CD-ROM drive.
2 Choose “Start,” and then choose “Run.”
<TeLANophy CD directory path>\setup
and choose “OK.”
Warning! ViewMail and ViewFax must be installed in the default directories. If View-
Mail is already installed, do not install ViewCall Plus in the same directory, or both programs
may not work properly. ViewFax must be installed after ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging
(VMM), or both programs may not work properly.
4 In the Welcome dialogue box, choose “Next.”
5 In the Information dialogue box, choose “OK.”
6 Perform one of the following:
• If you are installing ViewCall Plus, in the Install Options dialogue box, select
“Local installation.”
7 Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
82 - Chapter 6
Setting Up TeLANophy
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
To install TeLANophy applications on individual workstations from a
network, perform the following procedures.
Because you must have network rights to create directories, copy files, and
grant directory rights to other workstations, the network administrator may
directory” procedure for you.
To copy TeLANophy installation files to a network directory
1 Log on to the network.
2 On a network drive accessible to all workstations, create an installation
directory for the applications. For example, for ViewMail, type
md x:\viewapps\viewmail
and press Enter.
3 Insert the voice messaging system’s disc in the CD-ROM drive. For
each TeLANophy application you want to install, copy the subdirectory
from the disc to the installation directory that you created in step 2.
To install TeLANophy from a network
1 Choose “Start,” and then “Run.”
<your network TeLANophy application path>\setup
and choose “OK.”
For example, for ViewMail, type
Warning! ViewMail and ViewFax must be installed in the same directory (the default). If
ViewMail is already installed, do not install ViewCall Plus in the same directory, or
both programs may not work properly.
3 Perform one of the following actions:
• If you are installing ViewCall Plus, in the Welcome dialogue box, choose
4 In the Information dialogue box, choose “OK.”
5 In the Install Options dialogue box, select “Local installation.”
6 Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Setting Up TeLANophy
Chapter 6 - 83
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
TeLANophy clients or workstations can use TCP/IP to run TeLANophy
applications over the Internet or a wide area network (WAN). The following
conditions are required to establish a TCP/IP connection between a remote
workstation and the voice messaging system:
The workstation is connected to the voice messaging system through a WAN,
dial-up Internet service, or dedicated Internet connection.
The network administrator has configured the network to allow for remote con-
TeLANophy uses TCP port 1024. You need to know the TCP/UDP port to allow
access through a firewall.
After these requirements are met, the workstation can access the voice
messaging system as it would any other Internet service.
To set up a workstation for a WAN or Internet connection
1 From the workstation, connect to the WAN or Internet service provider,
using TCP/IP as the network protocol.
2 After the connection between the workstation and host is established,
open the desired TeLANophy application.
84 - Chapter 6
Setting Up TeLANophy
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
This topic updates the item “Setting up TeLANophy Workstations” in
Chapter 6 of this Installation Guide.
Workstation requirements
One of the following operating systems:
Windows® 98
Windows NT® 4.0 with Service Pack 6a
Windows® 2000
Windows® XP
10 MB of free hard disk space
NOTE: The new TeLANophy clients are not compatible with Windows 95
When using Office 2000 or Office XP/2000, you must install Service
Pack 1 for Office before installing VMM ViewMail for Microsoft
Setup steps
1 Set up the TCP/IP network protocol on the TeLANophy workstations.
3 Tell subscriber’s how to get started.
See “TeLANophy training” in the System Management Guide.
Installing ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging
If you are upgrading to Outlook 2002 and are running a previous version of
Microsoft Messaging (VMM), your must uninstall VMM first before installing
Outlook 2002.
Setting Up TeLANophy
Chapter 6 - 85
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
To install ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging (VMM) with Outlook 2002
1 Exit Outlook.
2 Uninstall previous versions of VMM using the Add/Remove Programs
tool in the Windows Control Panel.
3 If using the 16-bit version of VMM, run VIEWBGON.EXE to completely
remove VMM from your system. This utility is located in the Viewapps
directory on the voicemail CD.
4 Install Microsoft Office XP.
5 Install Service Pack 1 for Microsoft Office XP at: http:/
6 Close all applications.
8 Shut down, then restart the workstation.
9 Open Outlook 2002 with VMM.
To install ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging from the voice messaging
compact disc
1 At the workstation, insert the voice messaging compact disc in the CD-
ROM drive.
2 On the taskbar, click “Start,” then select the Run menu.
3 Type \Viewapps\Vmm\Full\Setup and select “OK.”
4 If asked to restart the system, click “Yes.” Windows will shut down and
restart. You will have to login before the install program continues.
5 On the Welcome screen, click “Next.”
6 When prompted to select an installation directory:
• To accept the default directory, click “Next.”
• To install the program in another directory, click “Browse, “ navigate to the
directory, click “OK, “ and then click “Next.”
7 To install the program in another directory, click “Browse, “ navigate to
the directory, click “OK, “ and then click “Next.”
8 On the Ready to Install screen, click “Next.”
9 On the Installation is Complete screen, click “Finish.”
10 If prompted to restart the computer, do so.
86 - Chapter 6
Setting Up TeLANophy
Chapter A – About the System Board
About the System Board Appendix A
The voice messaging board provides all voice messaging system
application functions and voice recording storage on its hard disk. To install
the voice messaging system board, see “Installing the voice messaging
system board.” To connect communication devices, see “Connecting
communication devices.”
XenMail CTI system board
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Appendix A - 87
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
A Backplate Connector
B SW2:
Do not use. Keep the default settings as illustrated.
C SW1:
Do not use. Keep the default settings as illustrated.
D Expansion Board Cable
E Modem connector
F Hard Drive LED:
Indicates hard disk activity.
H LAN connector
I Keyboard connector
J Mouse connector
K COM (serial) port connector
L VGA Monitor connector
M SW3:
By default, dip switch #1 is set to Off so that the voice messaging system
application starts when the board is turned on. Set the switch On to only
start OS/2 software.
By default, dip switch #2 is set Off for direct (serial) remote access
connections. Set the switch On for modem connections.
Switches #3 and #4 are not used. Keep the default settings as illustrated.
N Power button:
Do not use. Cuts the power to the board from the PC and the hard drive.
O Software LED:
Voice messaging software LED is green when the software is active, amber
when active with possible application problem, and red when inactive or
shut down.
P Shutdown switch:
By default, the switch is set On. Before turning off the phone system and
disconnecting the system board, set the switch Off to shut down the
software and system board properly.
Before restarting, set On. The board restarts only when the switch is on.
88 - Appendix A
About the System Board
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Q Shutdown LED:
Red when switch is On and green when switch is Off. Once light goes out,
you can safely turn off power to the KSU and disconnect the board.
R MB LED and switch:
Do not use. Must be set On at all times and the LED red.
Daughter Board
A F206 LED
H VM Channel 5
I VM Channel 6
J VM Channel 7
K VM Channel 8
L Fax Channel 1
M Fax Channel 2
C Application LED
D VM Channel 1
E VM Channel 2
F VM Channel 3
G VM Channel 4
About the System Board
Appendix A - 89
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
iCMC System
Red LED Indicator
After the board is installed, this LED lights to indicate
initialisation and then turns off after the board is
completely initialised, (after a few seconds).
• Remains On over 5 minutes — indicates initialisation
• Off — indicates normal operation
• Flashing — indicates hardware failure
Yellow LED Indicator
Red LED Indicator
Green LED Indicator
Yellow LED Indicator
Red LED Indicator
Green LED Indicator
Push button
Displays computer status 1
Displays computer status 2
Ethernet Connection indicator
Ethernet Busy indicator
AV Application status
Hard Drive R/W activity
Push to shutdown and restart the board
Connector, 8 pin
modular socket ISO
10 Base-T LAN Connector, TCIP/IP socket service;
Ethernet Port
Connector, D-type
Serial #1 provide EIA/TIA RS-232C compatibility, wired
as DTE; modem or PMS port
RS-232 9 Pin
Connector, D-type
Serial #2 provide EIA/TIA RS-232C compatibility, wired
as DTE; default console port for direct connections
RS-232 9 pin
90 - Appendix A
About the System Board
Chapter B – Starting and Shutting Down the System
Starting and Shutting Down
the System
Appendix B
Some procedures require that you shut down and restart the voice
messaging application. Others require that you shut down and restart both
the voice messaging application and the operating system. See the
following procedures to shut down the voice messaging application or the
application and the operating system.
Caution Do not disconnect the board or turn off the power while the
Application LED (Red) is on.
Caution Always shut down the voice messaging system before turning off
the phone system or subscribers may lose messages.
To shut down and restart the voice messaging system application
1 Shut down the voice messaging application by pressing ESC at the
Banner screen and then following the system prompts.
2 If you are connected to the voice messaging system using a monitor,
keyboard, and mouse, perform the following actions to restart the voice
messaging application. Otherwise, go to step 3.
Go to the OS/2 desktop by pressing ALT+ESC repeatedly until it appears.
Select the Restart Voicemail icon on the OS/2 desktop.
3 If you are using a remote access connection to access the voice
messaging system screens, perform the following actions to restart the
voice messaging application:
Open an OS/2 command prompt as described in “Using the OS/2 host pro-
At the OS/2 command prompt, type e: and press ENTER.
Type cd \vmail and press ENTER.
Type vm and press ENTER.
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Appendix B - 91
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
To shut down and restart the voice messaging system
1 Shut down the voice messaging application by pressing ESC at the
Banner screen and then following the system prompts.
CAUTION If you set the Shut down switch OFF before exiting the application, the sys-
tem will not wait for a call to finish before disconnecting all lines.
2 Locate the Shutdown switch on the voice messaging system board and
set it Off. The system automatically exits the voice messaging application
(if open), shuts down OS/2, and turns the board’s power off.
CAUTION If the Shut down switch is already set OFF, go to an OS/2 command
prompt, type shutdown and wait for the shutdown to finish. Then push the Power but-
3 Restart the voice messaging system by setting the Shutdown switch On
and then pressing the Power button.
92 - Appendix B
Starting and Shutting Down the System
Chapter C – Changing Network Protocols
Changing Network
Appendix C
Changing network protocols
To change the network protocol configuration for an existing voice
messaging system, perform the following procedure.
To change an existing network protocol configuration
1 Ask your network administrator for the information required to set up
network protocols. Refer to the table in Chapter 2 for details.
2 Shut down the voice messaging system application by pressing ESC at
the Banner screen and then following the system prompts.
3 At the OS/2 command prompt, type f: and press ENTER.
4 Type cd \ and press ENTER.
5 Type setup and press ENTER.
6 Type y to proceed with the voice messaging system Setup utility.
7 Press ENTER to continue until you reach the Setup Type menu.
8 From the Setup Type menu, type 2 to choose “Configure system” and
press ENTER.
9 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed
on drive E.
10 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed
in the Vmail directory.
11 Review the features and options available with your system that are
listed on-screen. Press ENTER to continue.
12 From the Update Configuration menu, type 3 to reconfigure network
protocols and press ENTER.
13 When you have completed your selection(s), press ENTER.
14 Follow the on-screen instructions to continue.
15 From the Setup Complete menu, type y and press ENTER to exit the
Setup utility.
16 Shut down and restart the voice messaging system by setting the
board’s Shutdown switch Off. After the system has shut down, set the
switch On and then press the Power button to restart.
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Appendix C - 93
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
To remove the existing network protocol configuration
1 Shut down the voice messaging system application by pressing ESC at
the Banner screen and then following the system prompts.
2 At the OS/2 command prompt, type f: and press ENTER.
3 Type cd \ and press ENTER.
4 Type setup and press ENTER.
5 Type y to proceed with the voice messaging system Setup utility.
6 Press ENTER to continue until you reach the Setup Type menu.
7 From the Setup Type menu, type 3 to choose “Remove configuration”
and press ENTER.
8 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed
on drive E.
9 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed in
the Vmail directory.
10 Review the features and options available with your system that are
listed on-screen. Press ENTER to continue.
11 From the Remove Configuration menu, type 3 to reconfigure network
protocols and press ENTER.
12 When you have completed your selection(s), press ENTER.
13 Follow the on-screen instructions to continue.
14 From the Setup Complete menu, type y and press ENTER to exit the
Setup utility.
15 At an OS/2 command prompt, type shutdown and press ENTER.
16 Shut down and restart the voice messaging system by setting the
board’s Shutdown switch Off. After the system has shut down, set the
switch On and then press the Power button to restart.
94 - Appendix C
Changing Network Protocols
Application screen page 10
Logs 54
E-Mail Integration
Application screen page 4
See also call holding
scheduling 53
backups 41
book conventions
command prompt, starting
compliance information, third-party devices
illustrated 88
network protocols
conventions for the book
removing 93
documentation, related
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
TCP/IP setup for Windows 95 and Windows 98
workstations 77
support computer
system IDs
opening greetings
operator box
about 61
numbered groups ID
system managers
system schedules
default 73
OS/2 command prompt, starting
PhoneBASIC 71
public interview box
setup for Windows 2000 TeLANophy workstations
setup for Windows 95 and Windows 98 TeLANophy
workstations 77
TeLANophy applications on the Internet or a WAN
remote access
about 71
installing on workstations from a network hard disk
transferring files
ViewFax 71
ViewMail 71
voice messaging system
adding or changing system languages and prompts
Windows Remote software
Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
June 2004
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
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