Nortel Networks Telephone CallPilot 100 User Manual

CallPilot 100/150 Quick Start Guide  
© November 19, 2004  
N0008008 02  
About CallPilot 100/150  
About CallPilot 100/150  
CallPilot 100/150 is a voice messaging product suited for small to medium sized businesses. It  
combines the voicemail and call processing features of a large business system into a compact,  
easy to use system.  
For information about installing two CallPilot 150 units on one KSU, refer to the CallPilot 100/  
150 Installation and Maintenance Guide.  
CallPilot 100/150 offers  
connection to a compatible Norstar telephone system  
voicemail with a choice of a CallPilot or Norstar Voice Mail interface  
four voice channels on CallPilot 100 and up to eight voice channels on CallPilot 150  
Call Center functionality  
CallPilot features  
Table 1 CallPilot features  
CallPilot 100  
CallPilot 150  
Number of voice channels  
Storage (hours)  
Number of subscriber mailboxes  
Default: 10  
Maximum: 40  
Default: 20  
Maximum: 300  
Basic voicemail  
Outbound transfer  
Call recording, call interrupt  
Auto-Attendant and Custom Call Routing (CCR)  
Networking (digital, AMIS)  
Desktop (Unified) Messaging  
Optional, depending on  
your region  
Optional, depending on  
your region  
Basic Call Center  
Optional, depending on  
your region  
Optional, depending on  
your region  
Call Center Reporting  
Note: If you are using the Auto-Attendant, only 200 mailboxes are supported.  
CallPilot 100/150 Quick Start Guide  
Installing the CallPilot 100/150  
Installing the CallPilot 100/150  
Unpack CallPilot 100/150  
Mount the CallPilot 100/150  
on the wall  
Connect the TCM and  
power cables  
Initialize CallPilot 100/150  
using CallPilot Manager or  
a telephone  
Determine the feature  
CallPilot Manger  
Configure the initial  
Can you use the default  
IP address  
Change the IP address  
serial or Ethernet cable  
Change the IP address  
using the serial port  
Change the IP address  
using an Ethernet  
crossover cable  
Connect the CallPilot  
100/150 to the LAN  
Run the  
Quick Install Wizard  
Start CallPilot 100/150 Administration  
programming. Refer to the CallPilot  
Telephone Administration Guide.  
Start CallPilot 100/150 Administration  
programming. Refer to the CallPilot  
Manager Set Up and Operation Guide.  
N0008008 02  
Installing the CallPilot 100/150  
Mounting the CallPilot 100/150 on the wall  
Attach the wall mount bracket to a secure surface by the two inner holes. Use anchors, as  
Slip the slot on the back (near the top) of the CallPilot 100/150 onto the bracket.  
Secure the CallPilot 100/150 using a screw in the lower screw hole.  
Note: If you are upgrading from a previous voice messaging system (for example,  
FlashTalk) to CallPilot 100/150, you must remove the existing Feature Codes for the old  
voice messaging system before you install the CallPilot 100/150. For information about  
how to remove the existing Feature Codes, refer to CallPilot 150 Feature Codes are  
inactive, in the CallPilot 100/150 Installation and Maintenance Guide.  
Connecting the CallPilot 100/150  
Open the CallPilot 100/150 by inserting a flat screwdriver into the slot on the right-hand side  
of the door and pressing the tab out of the way.  
Connect a TCM cable to Port A and to Port B.  
Table 2 shows the pin out of Port A and Port B.  
Table 2 Port A and Port B Pinouts  
CallPilot 100  
Port B  
CallPilot 150  
Port B  
Pin number Port A  
Port A  
no connection  
no connection  
no connection  
TCM 3  
no connection  
TCM 4  
no connection  
TCM 1  
no connection  
TCM 2  
TCM 1  
TCM 2  
TCM 1  
TCM 2  
TCM 1  
TCM 2  
no connection  
no connection  
no connection  
no connection  
TCM 3  
TCM 4  
no connection  
no connection  
Note: On the CallPilot 100, only TCM 1 and TCM 2 are available for use.  
Note: It is very important that you ensure that the Feature Cartridge is inserted into  
the bottom PCMCIA slot before you power up the CallPilot unit.  
Insert the feature cartridge into the bottom PCMCIA slot of the CallPilot 100/150.  
Connect the other end of the TCM cables to station ports on your Norstar KSU.  
Note: Do not connect the Ethernet cable for your LAN to the Ethernet port until you  
initialize the CallPilot 100/150.  
CallPilot 100/150 Quick Start Guide  
Initializing the CallPilot 100/150  
Connect the power cable to the CallPilot 100/150 and the wall socket.  
Run all the cables through the cable trough at the top of the CallPilot 100/150.  
Close the lid.  
Initializing the CallPilot 100/150  
Initializing the CallPilot 100/150 sets the system parameters to their default settings and sets some  
global parameters. When the initialization is completed, the CallPilot 100/150 is operational and  
ready for you to begin administration programming. You can initialize CallPilot 100/150 using  
CallPilot Manager or a telephone.  
Initializing CallPilot 100/150 using CallPilot Manager  
Whenever possible, use CallPilot Manager to initialize CallPilot 100/150. CallPilot Manager  
provides access to administration programming not available from a telephone.  
To use CallPilot Manager, you must have a network connection to the CallPilot 100/150 or an  
Ethernet crossover cable. If you do not have a network connection or an Ethernet crossover cable,  
you can initialize the CallPilot 100/150 using a two-line display telephone.  
To initialize CallPilot 100/150 using CallPilot Manager you need to:  
determine if your computer meets the CallPilot Manager requirements  
connect to the CallPilot 100/150  
run the Quick Install Wizard  
Computer requirements for CallPilot Manager  
You access CallPilot Manager using a web browser on a computer that is connected to the  
CallPilot 100/150.  
The computer you use to access CallPilot Manager must be compatible with Microsoft®  
Windows® and capable of running your web browser.  
To use CallPilot Manager, you must have one of the following browsers:  
— Netscape Communicator1 4.5 or later  
Microsoft Internet Explorer2 4.0 or later  
Note: CallPilot Manager does not support Netscape 6.0.  
Netscape is a registered trademark and Communicator is a trademark of Netscape Communications  
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks and Internet Explorer is a trademark of Microsoft  
N0008008 02  
Initializing the CallPilot 100/150  
Connecting to the CallPilot 100/150  
To connect to the CallPilot 100/150, you need the IP address of the CallPilot 100/150 and a  
connection to the network that the CallPilot 100/150 is on.  
The default IP address for CallPilot 100/150 is  
If you can use the default IP address  
If the default IP address is compatible with your network, connect the LAN cable to the Ethernet  
port on the CallPilot 100/150 and proceed to “Running the Quick Install Wizard” on page 9.  
If you cannot use the default IP address  
If the default IP address is not compatible, you must change the IP address before you connect the  
CallPilot 100/150 to the network. You can change the IP address using a serial cable or an Ethernet  
crossover cable (direct PC connection).  
Note: If you are unsure if the default IP address is compatible, contact your network  
Changing the IP address using a serial cable  
If you are going to change the IP address using a serial cable, you need a:  
serial cable  
VT100-compatible terminal or a computer that has a VT100 compatible terminal emulation  
program such as HyperTerminal  
Note: The serial port is intended for temporary connections only. After you have finished  
changing the IP address, remove the serial cable and close the CallPilot 100/150 door.  
Failure to remove the serial cable may result in a non-compliant EMC configuration.  
Configuring the terminal  
The terminal or terminal emulation program you use must be VT100 compatible and must support  
the ASCII Character set. If the terminal does not support the ASCII Character set, the text displays  
You must configure your terminal to the following communications parameters:  
9600 bits per second  
8 data bits  
no parity  
1 stop bit  
no flow control  
CallPilot 100/150 Quick Start Guide  
Initializing the CallPilot 100/150  
For information about how to set these parameters, refer to the documentation for your terminal or  
terminal emulation program.  
Changing the IP address using the terminal  
Attach the serial cable to the serial port on the CallPilot 100/150.  
Attach the other end of the cable to the serial port on the terminal or computer.  
Ensure that your terminal or computer is powered up.  
If you are using a computer, start your terminal emulation program.  
Remove power from the CallPilot 100/150.  
Note: Steps 5 and 6 are used to force the CallPilot 100/150 to reboot. You can change  
the IP address only while the CallPilot 100/150 is booting up.  
Reconnect power to the CallPilot 100/150.  
The prompt To change any of this, press any key within 5 seconds appears.  
Note: It will take approximately one minute for this prompt to appear.  
Press the Enter key.  
The prompt (M)odify any of this or (C)ontinue? appears.  
Note: If you do not press a key within 5 seconds of this prompt appearing, repeat  
steps 5 and 6.  
Press the M key and press the Enter key.  
The prompt Do you want a LAN interface? appears.  
Press the Y key and press the Enter key.  
The prompt This board’s LAN IP Address ( = RARP) appears.  
10 Type the IP address for the CallPilot 100/150 in a valid dotted format and press the Enter key.  
The prompt Subnet mask for LAN (0 for none) appears.  
11 Type the Subnet Mask for the CallPilot 100/150 in a valid dotted format and press the Enter  
The prompt Should there be a default gateway for packet routing? appears.  
12 If the CallPilot 100/150 needs a next hop router, press the Y key and press the Enter key.  
If the CallPilot 100/150 does not need a next hop router, press the N key, press the Enter key  
and go to step 15.  
The prompt IP address of default gateway? appears.  
13 Type the IP address of the next hop router in a valid dotted format and press the Enter key.  
14 Press the Enter key until the following prompt appears:  
(M)odify any of this or (C)ontinue?  
15 Press the C key and press the Enter key.  
N0008008 02  
Initializing the CallPilot 100/150  
16 Connect the LAN cable to the Ethernet port on the CallPilot 100/150.  
You can now initialize the CallPilot parameters. For information about how to initialize the  
Changing the IP address using an Ethernet crossover cable  
Using an Ethernet crossover cable, you can connect the CallPilot 100/150 to your computer. With  
this connection, you can use CallPilot Manager to change the CallPilot 100/150 IP address before  
you connect it to the network.  
Note: If you do not have access to the CallPilot 100/150 through the network, you can use  
an Ethernet crossover cable to configure all of the CallPilot 100/150 parameters.  
To use an Ethernet crossover cable, your computer must be equipped with a 10/100 BaseT  
Ethernet card and support TCP/IP protocol.  
Connecting the Ethernet crossover cable  
Shut down the computer.  
Attach one end of the Ethernet crossover cable to the Ethernet port on the CallPilot 100/150.  
Connect the other end of the cable to the network interface card on your computer.  
Start the computer.  
Use the Quick Install Wizard to initialize the CallPilot 100/150.  
For information about how to use the Quick Install Wizard, refer to “Running the Quick Install  
Running the Quick Install Wizard  
The Quick Install Wizard appears the first time you startup CallPilot Manager. The Quick Install  
Wizard is a single page that gathers enough information to set up a working system. It then applies  
the information and restarts the system.  
You can reach CallPilot Manager from another computer through a LAN connection, WAN/  
Internet connection or an Ethernet crossover cable. All of these methods create an IP connection  
that allows you to run CallPilot Manager.  
Use the following procedure to run the Quick Install Wizard:  
Launch your browser.  
CallPilot 100/150 Quick Start Guide  
10 Initializing the CallPilot 100/150  
In the URL address box, type the CallPilot 100/150 IP address.  
For example: HTTP://  
Note: You must include HTTP:// to access CallPilot Manager.  
The Quick Install Wizard screen appears. Depending on your system, this can take several  
Configure the Quick Install parameters for a CallPilot 100/150 according to following table.  
Table 3 Quick Install Wizard parameters for a CallPilot 100/150  
Field name  
IP Address  
Enter the IP Address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the CallPilot 100/150. If you do  
not know the IP Address or FQDN, contact your network administrator.  
This is the IP Address FQDN you will use to access the CallPilot 100/150 using CallPilot  
Changes to the IP Address take effect when you reboot the CallPilot 100/150.  
If this is a re-install, the IP Address shows the current settings, not the factory default.  
Warning: If you enter an FQDN in the IP Address box, you must ensure that the  
FQDN for the CallPilot 100/150 is in the same subnet as is specified by the Subnet Mask  
and the Default Gateway IP address. If you enter an FQDN that is not in the same  
subnet, you may cause the CallPilot 100/150 to continuously reboot. To correct this  
problem, use the serial interface to change the IP address of the CallPilot 100/150. For  
Subnet Mask  
Primary DNS  
Enter the Subnet Mask for the CallPilot 100/150. If you do not know the Subnet Mask, contact  
your network administrator.  
Changes to the Subnet Mask take effect when you reboot the CallPilot 100/150.  
If this is a re-install, the Subnet Mask shows the current settings, not the factory default.  
Enter the IP Address of the Primary DNS server that CallPilot 100/150 uses. If you do not know  
the IP Address, contact your network administrator.  
instead of IP addresses when accessing a site.  
Note: If you do not use DNS, leave this box blank. CallPilot applications, such as Digital  
Networking, can use a DNS server even if you leave this box blank.  
Secondary DNS  
Enter the IP Address of the Secondary DNS server that CallPilot 100/150 uses. If you do not  
know the IP Address, contact your network administrator.  
CallPilot 100/150 uses the Secondary DNS server if it cannot contact the Primary DNS server or  
if the domain name is not listed in the Primary DNS server.  
Note: If you do not use DNS, leave this box blank. CallPilot applications, such as Digital  
Networking, can use a DNS server even if you leave this box blank.  
Default Gateway  
Attendant DN  
Enter the IP Address of the default next-hop router. If you do not know the IP Address, contact  
your network administrator.  
Note: If you do not require a next-hop router, leave this box blank.  
Enter the extension number of the CallPilot attendant.  
N0008008 02  
Initializing the CallPilot 100/150 11  
Table 3 Quick Install Wizard parameters for a CallPilot 100/150  
Field name  
Primary UI Style  
Select the user interface style assigned to the mailboxes. You can select NVM or CallPilot.  
If you select NVM, the mailbox user interface operates like Norstar Voice Mail and FlashTalk.  
Users will hear Norstar Voice Mail voice prompts and see Norstar Voice Mail text prompts.  
If you select CallPilot, the mailbox user interface operates like Meridian 1 CallPilot. Users will  
hear CallPilot voice prompts and see text prompts for CallPilot.  
You can change the UI style of individual mailboxes by assigning a different Class of Service to  
those mailboxes.  
Select the default language that is used for voice prompts, text messages, the Auto-Attendant  
and Feature 983 administration.  
You can change the language of individual mailboxes by assigning a different Class of Service to  
those mailboxes.  
Select the country in which the CallPilot 100/150 is installed.  
The country you select determines several country specific settings such as the telephone  
number length, mailbox login sequence and Call Progress Tone Detection. You must select the  
country that the CallPilot 100/150 is in to ensure proper operation.  
The default is North America.  
From Line  
Enter the line number of the first line in a range of lines that you want the auto-attendant to  
The auto-attendant answers this line and all of the lines up to the line number you enter in the To  
Line box.  
To Line  
Enter the line number of the last line in a range of lines you want the auto-attendant to answer.  
The line number you enter in this box must be the same or higher than the line number you enter  
in the From Line box.  
Number of rings  
Enter the number of rings that CallPilot waits before answering a line.  
Mailbox Keycode If you have purchased additional mailboxes for CallPilot, enter the keycode you received with  
your mailbox package.  
If you have not purchased additional mailboxes, leave these boxes empty.  
Use these boxes only for the keycode for additional mailboxes. Do not enter the keycode that  
enables the basic voicemail application.  
From Extension  
To Extension  
Enter the extension number of the first telephone in a range of telephones you want to create a  
mailbox for.  
A mailbox is created for this telephone and for all of the telephones up to the extension number  
you enter in the To Extension box.  
The mailboxes are named according the set name of the telephone and assigned Class of  
Service 1.  
Enter the extension number of the last telephone in a range of telephones you want to create a  
mailbox for.  
The extension number you enter in this box must be the same or higher than the extension  
number you enter in the From Extension box.  
CallPilot 100/150 Quick Start Guide  
12 Initializing CallPilot 100/150 using a telephone  
Table 3 Quick Install Wizard parameters for a CallPilot 100/150  
Field name  
Outdial Method  
Select the outdial method you want to assign to the mailboxes created using the From Extension  
and To Extension boxes. You can choose None, Line, Pool or Route.  
If you select None, no outdial method is assigned to the mailboxes.  
If you select Line, click the Outdial Method text box and enter the line number of the line you want  
assign to the mailboxes.  
If you select Pool, click the Outdial Method text box and enter the line pool number of the line  
pool you want to assign to the mailboxes.  
Note: Line pool numbers 0 to 15 correspond to the Line Pools A to O on the KSU programming  
If you select Route, click the Outdial Method text box and enter the route number of the route you  
want to assign to the mailboxes.  
Click the Install button.  
You can now start programming the CallPilot parameters. For information about how to program  
CallPilot, refer to the CallPilot Manager Set Up and Operation Guide.  
Note: If you have changed any of the IP addresses or the Subnet Mask, you must reboot  
the CallPilot 100/150 before you start programming the CallPilot 100/150 parameters.  
Initializing CallPilot 100/150 using a telephone  
To initialize CallPilot 100/150 you need to:  
determine the CallPilot 100/150 Feature Codes  
configure the CallPilot 100/150 initial parameters  
N0008008 02  
Initializing CallPilot 100/150 using a telephone 13  
Determining CallPilot 100/150 Feature Codes  
Default Feature Codes are assigned to CallPilot 100/150 by the Norstar system. These default  
codes are listed in Table 4. When these default Feature Codes are used by other Norstar  
applications, the Norstar system assigns Feature Codes between 900 and 999 to CallPilot 100/150.  
These codes might not be assigned in sequential order. Record the assigned Feature Codes in Table  
Table 4 Assigned Feature Codes  
Feature Code name  
Used By  
Agent Login  
Call Center only  
≤·‚› ≤· _____ _____  
≤·‚° ≤· _____ _____  
≤·‚· ≤· _____ _____  
≤·°‚ ≤· _____ _____  
≤·°⁄ ≤· _____ _____  
≤·°¤ ≤· _____ _____  
≤·°‹ ≤· _____ _____  
≤·°› ≤· _____ _____  
≤·°fi ≤· _____ _____  
≤·°fl ≤· _____ _____  
≤·°‡ ≤· _____ _____  
≤·°° ≤· _____ _____  
≤·°· ≤· _____ _____  
Not Ready  
Call Center only  
Display Waiting Calls  
Leave Message  
Open Mailbox  
Call Center only  
Call Center and Voicemail  
Call Center and Voicemail  
Call Center and Voicemail  
Call Center and Voicemail  
Call Center and Voicemail  
Call Center and Voicemail  
Call Center and Voicemail  
Call Center and Voicemail  
Call Center and Voicemail  
Call Center and Voicemail  
Operator/Service Control  
System Administration  
Call Forward to Voicemail  
CallPilot DN  
Transfer to Voicemail  
Name Dial  
Record Call  
Follow this procedure to determine CallPilot Feature Codes:  
Press ≤·•⁄ on a two-line display telephone.  
Record the Feature Code for the first feature used by CallPilot in Table 4.  
Press NEXT to show the next Feature Code used by CallPilot. Record this code in Table 4.  
Repeat step 3 until you reach the final Feature Code.  
Press QUIT to end this session.  
CallPilot 100/150 Quick Start Guide  
14 Initializing CallPilot 100/150 using a telephone  
Configuring the CallPilot 100/150 initial parameters  
To configure the CallPilot 100/150 initial parameters:  
1. Press ≤·°‹.  
This is the default System Administration feature code. If your  
system does not use the default feature codes, enter the System  
Administration feature code you determined earlier.  
2. Enter ¤flfl‹›› (CONFIG) and press OK.  
3. Press Y if you want the display and voice prompts to be available in  
two languages.  
Press N if you want the display and voice prompts to be available in  
one language.  
When you choose N (No) for the Bilingual option, step 6 is not  
required and the system automatically goes to step 7.  
Primary lang?  
4. Press the button for the language you want as the Primary  
Group lists? Y  
5. Press CHNG to toggle the settings between Y for Yes, or N for No.  
6. Press NEXT.  
When you choose N (No) for the enable Group List option, steps 9  
and 10 are not required and the system automatically goes to step  
Leading digit: 9  
7. Press CHNG to enter a new Group List leading digit.  
The Group List leading digit can be any number from 0 to 9. Special  
Mailbox numbers automatically begin with 1, so if you select a Group  
List leading digit of 1, the Special Mailboxes will begin with 2. The  
Group List Leading Digit cannot be the same as the first number of  
any mailbox.  
8. Press NEXT.  
CallPilot UI:Y  
9. Press CHNG to toggle the settings between Y for Yes, or N for No.  
10. Press NEXT.  
N0008008 02  
Configuring the CallPilot 100/150 15  
Primary UI:NVM  
11. Press CHNG to toggle the setting between NVM and CP.  
If you choose NVM, the mailbox users will see and hear Norstar  
Voice Mail prompts when they use their mailboxes.  
If you choose CP, the mailbox users will see and hear CallPilot  
prompts when they use their mailboxes.  
12. Press NEXT.  
System config  
13. Press OK.  
This message appears on the display.  
System ready  
Initialization takes about three seconds. When complete, the display  
shows: System ready and Exit.  
After the initialization programming is completed, the display  
automatically returns to the time and date.  
Configuring the CallPilot 100/150  
After you have initialized the CallPilot 100/150, you can begin configuring the CallPilot features.  
For information about how to configure the CallPilot 100/150, refer to the CallPilot Manager Set  
Up and Operation Guide or the CallPilot 100/150 Telephone Administration Guide.  
Additional information  
For more information about installing the CallPilot 100/150 (such as troubleshooting) or how to  
install two CallPilot 150 units on one KSU, refer to the CallPilot 100/150 Installation and  
Maintenance Guide.  
CallPilot 100/150 Quick Start Guide  
16 Additional information  
N0008008 02  

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